Perhaps Hell, Perhaps Heaven
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("My mind's not right, a jumble of dream-monsters morning cannot disperse, for huge black horses blot out the sun as the car of the Queen of Hell comes rumbling by, it's shadow blacker than black to strike terror in mortal hearts." --Book one "The Rape of Proserpine")

Welcome to the pleasure palace...It's been a long time...*hollow laughter*
Well, please, please...*tossing her head back with a cool smile *
Root around in the dark. Have at it...I've no longer anything to hide. *evil smile* As a matter of fact, I embrace it all...and all of you...*she turns her pale face to the wall in front of her, sadness crosses it briefly only to be replaced with a serious look when she faces you again.*

But, careful, for in the dark lie suprises, and not all of them are safe OR expected...

*she swings her moon scythe, and smiles as incense smoke drifts across her face. Stepping away from the wall she grips the door handle behind her and opens it wide, a universe of stars swims behind her. She steps inside and her dark gown ripples and fades into the grand darkness of diamonds. She looks toward you one last time, then turns and is swallowed by the infinite behind the door. Only her faintly glowing footprints show the way to heaven…or is it hell??????

Care to pass through the door to the stars?

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North Star.

The second star from the right.

Milky Way

The Black Hole.

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Email: LiLith, Queen of Purgatory.