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4/24/06 I'm back at it after being MIA for 5 years. I broke down and paid our host to have the advertisements removed from the Web site. I thought about changing hosts, but if I did, I'd have to learn how to use the new site and I'm getting too old, impatient or just plain lazy to learn about it and transfer it all.

The urge to update our Family Web Site was because I volunteer as the Website Administrator for our Unit/FRG's Web site. (And Ali also was nagging me the other day.)

There is just so much more that we could share with you all than the occasional email update with pictures attached. So I hope this Web site will do just that, share more of our lives with those we love and miss!

6/5/06 I went with a friend to Poland the other day. A lot of people here love Polish Pottery. It has crazy designs on it and is very cheap in Poland. The prices get really hiked when it is exported. I'll post some pictures soon to show you what it looks like. I'm not into the pottery all that much, but they do have some nice patterns. I got a few pieces that I liked. I mostly enjoyed just going there and seeing the country :)

7/27/06 You probably got an email, but I got a job! It's similar to the volunteer work that I did with our Family Readiness Group (FRG), so it should be great. I wasn't really looking, but was approached and asked if I would be interested. It was flattering enough just to be asked! The only thing is that I'll have to give up my volunteer position as the website administrator for our unit (conflict of interest). It will be hard to let go of my 'baby'!

10/21/06 As if I didn't have a hard enough time keeping this updated, it's even harder now that I'm working. I really do love my job though. It's great getting paid to do something I love and used to do for free!

I've added some pictures from this summer's Cub Scout activities from Brandon's pack. Brian and I both volunteer still with them.

I've collected a lot of the graphics from other Web sites on the internet. Here is where you can find some of them.

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