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Updated Fishing Day Pictures 5/10/99

Knights of Columbus Council #831 Sedalia

Knights Hall, 1708 Elm Hills Blvd., Sedalia, Mo., has been the Council's home since 1991, when we moved from Elm Hills Public Golf Course that we owned for about 18 years. Currently we have 199 members and growing with more than 30 new members in the last 20 months. The Council supports the Drive to Help God's Special Children (formerly known as the Tootsie Roll Drive), the Fish Frydays of Lent, Roses For Life, Special Olympics, and our Catholic information booth at the Missouri State Fair. Our bingo game starts at 6:30 p.m. each Tuesday. With a $3,000 prize list it's great fun and features our Happy Helpers in the kitchen cooking up great specials and desserts. For This Homepage Updates Send Email to Our Editor and Faithful Lecturer Galen Lewis Sr.

Golf Tournament The Knights of Columbus Way

1rst ANNUAL KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 3 PERSON SCRAMBLE Saturday June 5, 1999 at Elm Hills Golf Course South 65 Highway Sedalia MO Teams are now being fielded for the Knights of Columbus / Sacred Heart Active Parents Golf Tournament and Dinner-Auction to be held all on June 5, 99. Dinner will be served at the Knights Hall after the Golf Tournament. Silent auction will also take place. Cash Bar. Guests will be $8.00. PROCEEDS FOR THE RENOVATION OF THE ELEMENTARY RESTROOMS AT SACRED HEART SCHOOL. Entry fee: $90.00 (this includes golf and dinner) Rental Cart: $20.00 (this to be paid to the course) Cart Trail: $5.00 (this to be paid to the course) Shotgun Start 7:30 a.m. & 1:00 p.m. For more information contact Mark & Julie Register, 827-5043, or Mike and Esther DeGraff, 827-9810. Questions, comments, email to 4 Flights-2 Places per Flight 1rst Place-$120.00 per Team 2nd Place-$90.00 per Team Prizes based upon 40 entries Mulligans may be purchased $15.00 per team Flighting will be done after the tournament and Ties will be broken by scorecard playoff. You can email us at in Sedalia MO. WORKING ON ADDITIONAL GOLF PAGE CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION, CLICK ON THE LINK. CHECK BACK SOON. Golf Day Fun Stuff

Take a Kid Fishing Day

The "Take a Kid Fishing Day," was a great success for all. The kids started out fishing and then on to kite flying and after a grill cooked hamburger or hotdog it was off to a long fun hay ride around the farm, through the cow pasture and to the country. We all had lots of fun spending quality time. What a day for everyone. The weather was slightly cool but overall we managed to keep up the pace. The knights had their hands full fishing with the kids, chasing run away kites and flying the foam airplanes. We ended the fun times by roasting marshmellows over the warm wood fire. A special Thanks to Andy & Karen Gerke for sharing their farm for a day. Click on the Fishing Day Pictures at the top of the page to see the new and updated pics as of 5/10/99

Pro-Life Display

This is the sign out on West Broadway in front of Our Savior Lutheran Church. The Sedalia K of C Council traveled to pickup the crosses in Overland Park KS and brought them back and set up the display on Saturday May 6, 1999. The sign says it all, don't you think. Our committment to save God's unborn babies that are lost to abortion each year continues on. I have provided some pictures of the display for your viewing here on the homepage, Just Click on the Pro-Life Display Pics. Please go out and see the display of many crosses in person. Below is our Grand Knight's (Dan Lowe) mailbox for your input, just give it a click or two.