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I have seen Petra live in concert thrice (cool word, huh?). The first time was here in St. Louis at Six Flags, in either 1990 or 1992. DC Talk was with them that night, as I remember. I missed the first few minutes of the concert because I was with my brother and dad standing in line for Thunder River. We had been in line so long, we didn't want to quit, so we stuck it out. It was okay, though, because the concert was so LOUD we could hear it just fine, halfway across the park.

I was in Kansas City to see Petra's first concert of the God Fixation Tour, on September 4, 1998. Click here to read my review of that concert. It was incredible!

I also saw Petra when they came to St. Louis on November 16, 1998. I wrote some more stuff about that concert, and you can check it out here.

Without further ado, here is a list of Petra's concerts for 1999. More dates will probably be added later, so keep checking here for the latest info. This comes from the Greg Oliver Agency's Petra page.

01-15-99 Lubbock, TX (through the 16th)
01-23-99 Wichita, KS
01-24-99 Oklahoma City, OK
02-06-99 Indianapolis, IN
04-10-99 Bedford, IN
04-16-99 Orange City, IA
04-18-99 Ogallala, NE
05-07-99 Bangor, ME
05-08-99 Poughkeepsie, NY
05-13-99 Vero Beach, FL
05-14-99 Clearwater, FL
05-22-99 Rockford, IL
05-28-99 Baltimore, MD
05-29-99 Bluefield, WV
06-17-99 Atlanta, GA
06-26-99 Shirleysburg, PA (Creation Festival)
07-09-99 Front Royal, VA (Fishnet Festival)
07-10-99 Kings Island, OH
07-17-99 Manchester, NH (In & Out Festival)
07-29-99 San Jose, CA (Spirit West Coast)
8-08-99 Duluth, MN
09-23-99 Oceanside, CA
09-26-99 Fortuna, CA
09-27-99 Roseburg, OR
09-28-99 Longview, WA
10-29-99 Allentown, PA

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