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The Sputtering Flame

Welcome to Neerpia!
The last episode ever??

*As the semester draws to a close, Sergei gets ready to move on and out of the Sputtering Flame circle of events. This semester has been a wonderful mix of new suprises and too much homework!! Sergei promises to try to keep in contact with the rest of the cast and to be involved in as many episodes as possible! Old friends have been reunited this week, as Bobo the Flying Monkey's nemesis comes back to town after an absence of two years! Better watch out so he doesn't steal your woman! Bud Jr. gets some action with a big time college chick. Or should I say, little time college chick.. 5 foot to be exact. Bud Jr. puts his ego on the line tonight as he asks her....... to go steady!! :) Slimer has been busy "riding his camel", leaving no room for goodbyes with other friends. There is one last big bash coming up Wednesday night that will reunite the cast before they break up. As we leave for the semester, so many unanswered questions remain.. Will George ever break free from the constraints of a jealous sig. fig.? Will child molester ever stop.. molesting children? Will Eliza and Bullwinkle, Martha Stewart and Tom Petty, Jagr and Sergei, EVER get married? Will John Madden and Bart find women? Will Green Giant and Sergei be blown to pieces when they visit London? Should the Sputtering Flame continue while Sergei is absent next semester, or will the flame sputter out completely??? Only your input can make a difference! Thanks for a great 3.5 years, and we will return when once again.. the flame sputters!!

Keep those suggestions coming, I will include them!

Check out the pictures of the new cast!

The New Members of the Sputtering Flame

Catch up on the past episodes and pictures of the cast!

First Episodes

Summer and Current Season Episodes

Pictures of the Cast

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*Disclaimer: The author reserves the right to use her creative license in any way. The Sputtering Flame is intended for fun, and may be only partially true, if at all. No animals were harmed during the making of The Flame, much unlike my social life.