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Aren't friends the best? My friends have helped me and have always been there for me, and I love them all!

First is Carley Ott. Carley and I have been best friends for a couple of years now, but it seems like I've known her forever. Sometimes we're so much alike I think we must have been sisters seperated at birth! She's away at school, and I never knew how much I would miss her. In fact, I'n thinking of moving to the city where she now lives. She's the best at making me laugh hysterically, and when we're together, watch out, cause there's no telling what'll happen! We're likely to stick pens in our nose, point crazily at desks, or throw our change all over the ground at the St. Louis Bread Company! More things I"ll always remember: Oh, Pants...;Think about it - Bread, pasta, and two pieces of chicken; Hey, umm, look at the desk; Good God, Beka!; Hold me, I"m a firmata; Rot-Roh Rarity!; Who MEEEE?; I'm so hot you don't even know; You are SOOO lucky; Good answer, old mole; Look out, the button on those painted on jeans is gonna pop off!; Guess who's not here today??; Kissing in the parking lot!; sexy mexican's at Taco Hell!; A.P. English - Mrs. Rahm!! Juanny!; Distract band tryouts :)

Next is my other bestest pal and ex-roomie Lori Spry. She's about as crazy as I am, but I have to give her credit. She can be pretty sensible, and if it wasn't for her, I don't know where I would be. Some things I'll always remember about Lori: Giggle a lot, toss your hair; I think I need a kleenex; So that's what they call it these days...; Crack Attack!; Taco Hell!; NKOTB!!!; It's fun to stay at the WHY ARE WE GAY?!; EWW! I'm all sticky!!; Stop touching her!; Spontaneous kisses!; The Plan; Pi Beta Phi Pi Phi Pi Beta Phi, WOO!; I HATE sorority girls; Sideways Willy!; GERANIMO!; Can I have my brain back please?; I'm changing, just so you know; I ate five of carrots and five of broccoli; and whatever you do, watch might get trapped in the cage of lights....:) I love my LJ forever! (Yeah, you know I want you ;) )

Another great friend is Jennifer Clevenger. We've been close friends for about 4 years now, and she's stood by me at times when no one else has. She's the sweetest cat-loving flute player there is around, and she's always there for her friends, no matter what. What else can I say....she rocks!

My other really good friend is Garren. Check out the groovy link on my More About Me! page to find out more about this total sweetheart! :)

Some other really great friends I have made are as followed:

Kory - No crying over jerky boyfriends, study more psychology, and Alpha Phi's ROCK! :)

Josh - Ok, I don't hate him! I never have, and I never will! I give him props for the spontaneous kissing....classic.

Paul - Do you consider someone you were in love with for three years and drove crazy with your psycho-insaneness your friend? Sure, why not? But really, even though Paul has his really shallow moments, in the privacy of a yellow practice room, he can be a really great guy, and I love him, always.

Then, there's the awesome friends I have made already in my teacher class. Good thing I love them all, cause I"m stuck with them for three more years now! So here they are, in no particular order:

Amanda - My geometry test driving partner and Super Evaluator!!

Stacie - She's a compulsive liar - but not really.

Kelli - We weren't supposed to bring our computers today? Ok, well I"m glad I"m not the only dumb one here.

Misty - Misty from Maine, she taught me how to fill up my gas tank using the automatic credit machine!

Missy and Julie - What can I say? They're Pi Phi's...they rock :)

Julie, Megan, Lisa, and Amy - These are the great girls I carpool with every Thursday when we go to New Haven. They're so sweet, and so willing to tolerate my shitty car. I couldn't ask for a better group of girls to share my Thursday morning with! Oh, and Julie gets mentioned twice because she's extra special :)

Colleen - She has a really groovy name, and she's so funny - A real plus at eight o'clock in the morning. :)Stacey - She's really sweet and she shares Hatch the Dump with me. :)

Brian - I think that Brian has the best outlook on life than anyone I've known. Well, one of the best outlooks. He's so happy with life and everything it brings him. And his philosophy on teaching is just so inspiring. Talking to him will always put a smile on your face because he's just to cool and loveable. Even if you don't know him well, you still have to love him. That's just who he is. :)

Ok, now for my other set of friends. About 9 months ago, Carley and Lori introduced me to MUSHing, which is basically chatting with cool people from all over in a cool place where you can build and be whoever you want. Don't ask me to explain anymore about it, cause I can't! But over these 9 months, I have met some really awesome people at a cool place called GlobalMUSH. It basically rocks, and so do all the people there. Let's see who they are!

Coren - Coren is the best friend I have made at Global, besides my previous friends. Coren is the sweetest of all sweethearts, and he's always there for me when I need him. He's great for giving advice, as well as simply lending a listening ear. Although I've never met him, I feel really close to him, almost like I've known him for years. I really think we're a lot alike..I hope that's not a scary thing! And he's a lot better in person. I got to meet him this January, and he's exactly what I expected and more! He's actually one of the most awesome people I have ever know. He's trippy! *BOINGEE* :)

Randis - I don't know what to say about Randis. I guess I can say that after all he's put me through these days, I love him, and he'll always be special to me. I can't let anyone get out of my life that easily!

JearBear - Jearie basically rocks. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, we used to hate eachother. But all the sudden, we found we had something in common - We both hated Randis! But Jearie is the bestest, and I loooove her!!! *smooch*

Gossimer - I don't know what else to say except QUACK! Oh, he's the cutest duckie in the whole wide world, even if he won't write you back!:)

Lestat - He's the cutest and most huggable teddy bear around! And he got to drive a red mustang!! VROOOM!

Magik - A true cutie in every sense of the word, he's always cheery and ready to listen to anything I need to talk about.

Tygher - She's fierce! But really, she's a total sweetie.

Death - I didn't know him the first time he came to Missouri, so I'm hoping he'll make another trip sometime. He's fun and very interesting.... Watch out for full moons!

Jack-Daniels - This message made especially for him in hopes that he won't have to sleep alone tonight. *giggle-hug*

Angelica - What can I say..she's helped me through some times *grin*

Mustang - Yes! He rocks! :)

Trippy - Trippy is SOOO much fun, and the sexiest wiz around! *lick*

Guyver - He's wonderful and way special, a real cutie, even if he won't admit it..

INNADAZE - All I can say is SEXY MALE!

Dreamer - Enthusiastic about everything!! She's great. :)

Dasrik - He's cool and a real music quote buff! That's something to be proud of!

Well, if I forgot anyone, I promise to remember soon!

So you see, friends are the staples of my life, and without all the great friends I have, I guess I wouldn't have a life!

So where's it gonna be?

Coren's homepage!
Randis's homepage!
Lori's homepage!
Magik's homepage!
Learn about a great school, William Jewell College
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