Allright, this page is made by me for me so i can get my words out in the open. (And look, I finally updated!) Most of this stuff is just things i've written, stuff about me, stuff about my friends, pictures, and fun stuff. so please write me with constructive critisim, priase, marriage proposals, suicide pacts, poetry, questions, comments, or if you just wanna be friends, e-mail me anytime, anyplace, and i can pretty much garuntee you an answer. ew, school starts in like a month. that sucks. --abby

Please show your support for the Tibetan cause and visit the milarepa foundation
Please also show your support for the crisis in Kosovo by visiting Care

We Got The Funk















i go from day to day. i know where the cupboards are. i know where the car is parked

i know he isn't you

Listen Up! visit the Grand Royal Sitefor the goods old skool and new

Email: darcys_daughter@yahoo.com