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CYC South Central District

Supplemental Rules


1.   Rosters must be approved prior to the first league game and may be changed only through the third league game.  All changes after the rosters are initially approved must be made on the Supplemental Roster form.  No team members may be added after the fourth weekend of the regular season.


2.   At least three-fourths of the players on any 4th grade team’s roster must be in the 4th grade.  No 2nd grade players are allowed on a 4th grade team.  At lease three-fourth of the players on any 3rd grade team’s roster must be in the 3rd grade.


3.   The CYC South Central District generally makes use of all available gym time to schedule its league games each season.  The South Central District does not have access to additional gym time for use in rescheduling games that cannot be played due to team conflicts. Accordingly, the South Central District will not coordinate the rescheduling of any South Central District league basketball games.


4.   Individual coaches are allowed to reschedule basketball games with the opposing coach’s consent.  Due to the scarcity of gym time, rescheduled games may have to occur during the week during one of the team’s regular practice times.  Except in the case of a forfeit as explained below, a game that is timely canceled but not rescheduled will not count as a win or a loss for either team.


      To prevent a forfeit, the coach of the team having the conflict with the scheduled game time must provide at least 72 hours advance notice to the opposing coach as well as to the gym in which the game was scheduled to be played.  Failure to provide such timely notice will result in a forfeit by the team having the conflict, even if the game is eventually played.  No referee/scorekeeper reimbursement will be paid by the South Central District for a game that is eventually played if timely notice of cancellation of the originally scheduled game did not occur.


5.   There will be no admission fee charged at any South Central District gym for league and/or playoff games.


6.   For grades 3 and above all referees must be in high school or above.  Exceptions can be made for 3rd and 4th grade games if the second official has at least three years of refereeing experience.  All scorekeepers and timers must be in at least the 7th grade, and preferably 8th grade.  There will be an assigned adult available in the gym at all times during games to assist the referees should circumstances arise.


7.  The third grade league can be used as a training program for referees, scorekeepers, and timers.  At the discretion of the Parish lay director, scorekeepers, timers, and referees can be in the 7th or 8th grade as long as a third adult referee participates also.  An assigned adult gym monitor must be in the gym also.  If a third adult referee is not participating, then the previous rule (6) applies for referees, scorekeepers, and timers.


8.   The South Central District has adopted a 13 foot foul line for the 4th grade only (in lieu of the 15 foot line).  A painted stripe or tape shall be placed on the floor to designate the 13 foot free throw line.  For the 3rd grade, free throws are shot from the bottom of the free throw circle and the shooter is allowed to step over the line on the follow-through.


8.     In the event of a tie score at the end of regulation time of a 4th grade league game, one (1) two-minute overtime period may be played to attempt to determine a winner of the game.


9.     In the event of a tie score at the end of a regulation time of a 3rd grade league game, no overtime period will be paid.


10. Three point shots are allowed for all grades in gyms where the floor is properly marked.


11. Official rosters are to be used to complete the official scorebook and all player/coach ID cards are to be held at the scorekeepers’ table until after the game sheet has been signed.  (CYC ID cards are not required for 3rd and 4th grade players.)  If ID cards are not available at the beginning of the game, they must be shown to the referees before the end of the game; otherwise, it will be so noted on the official report of game sheet.  It is the coach’s responsibility to double check that the score and league number are correct before signing the report of game sheet.


12. Only three coaches, including team scorekeepers, will be allowed to sit on the bench with the players and each must have an ID card with a current season validation sticker attached to the back of the ID card.


13. Modification to Special Note 11 on page 4 of 2000 - 2001 CYC Basketball Rule Book.  Additions are italicized and bold.



      All eligible players on the bench must participate in both halves in each South Central District basketball game.  Failure to do so may result in forfeiture.  The District Chairperson or Sports Chairperson has the authority to further discipline the coach or manager.


      There is no mandated length of playing time during league play.  However, taking into consideration the number of players on a team, we highly recommend that each player play at least ¼ of each game.  Failure to comply with the spirit of this recommendation may result in disciplinary action.  Games may be audited by District representatives during the year to monitor compliance with this recommendation.  The minimum playing requirement rule will be enforced during all District “A” playoff games.


      Notes on the special rule:


A.  A player who is unable to play in both halves due to illness, injury, late arrival or early departure will not be cause for forfeiture.


B.   The coach may not bench the player in the second half for disciplinary reasons.  Special Note 12 of the 2002 - 2003 CYC Basketball Rule Book requires non-participating players to be identified to the officials and the opposing coach prior to the start of the game.  Therefore, any benching for disciplinary reasons must be applied at the next game.


C.  A player who is unable to play in both halves due to ejection (5 personal, 2 technical fouls or a flagrant foul) will not be cause for forfeiture.


D.  This purpose of this rule is to support and encourage each player to participate in at least ¼ of each game.  See Special Note 11 of the 2002 - 2003 CYC Basketball Rule Book.


14. Forfeits will be decided at District meetings during the season.  The lay director, referees and coaches cannot award a forfeit.  Any game in question will be played as a regular game and any circumstances regarding possible causes for forfeit such as no ID cards, etc. will be noted on the back of the report of game sheet and signed by coaches and referees.