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Important Excerpts from 2002 - 2003 Constitution


Important excerpts from the CYC Athletic Association 2002 - 2003 Constitution are provided below.  The Constitution is attached to the rear of the 2002 - 2003 CYC Basketball Rules that are to be distributed to each team’s manager.  Please note the following from Rule XVI:  Managers shall be supplied with a copy of this Constitution & By-Laws and they shall acquaint their players with the contents.  Ignorance shall not be accepted as an excuse for violation of this Constitution & By-Laws.


Article III Section 3:



Article V Section 2:

Players must be in the same grade in which they are participating.

a.         Grade School Divisions

The CYC Athletic Association/District reserves the right to approve/disapprove any player whose birthdate falls within the proper division classification but whose grade does not fall within the proper grade classification, provided that player advanced in grade for academic reasons.

b.         High School Divisions 

A player in high school may not play in the grade school divisions.  A player that has graduated from high school may not play in any division except senior.


Players seeking exceptions to this must request in writing special permission from their District or the CYC Office, the request may or may not be approved.


Article V Section 3:

In all divisions, except Parochial (see Rule III, Sec. 7) and Seniors, teams must be sponsored by a parish, synagogue, church, temple or agency that holds membership in and is directly connected to an established recognized religion.  The CYC or its designee shall be the sole determining body of the acceptability of an application.  All players on the team must be official members of the sponsoring entity.  The teams must abide by all rules, guidelines & principles of the CYC.  All accepted teams would be eligible for District & Archdiocesan playoffs.  Teams not accepted with full membership may be allowed to participate for league play only.


Rule II Section 1:


  1. All managers, coaches and players must be registered on an Official Team Roster Sheet certified with the manager and Spiritual Director (or authorized representative) of that team in the CYC District.  (Exception__Emergency Coach)  A player becomes an official member of a team when the District officially receipts their roster.  The original roster and at least two copies, supplemental rosters and at least two copies must be recorded in the CYC District and postmarked on or before two days prior to game time.  No later than 30 days after the first scheduled game of that league, one copy of all rosters shall be forwarded to the CYC office.
  2. In all grade school divisions, team managers must be at least 18 years old.
  3. Players are not required to sign the roster.


Rule III Section 1:


IDENTIFICATION CARDS – ALL registered managers, coaches and players in all divisions of the CYC Athletic Association must have an Official CYC Registration ID Card to be eligible to participate.  (Exception—Emergency Coach and Players in the Atom Divisions)

Teams should have their ID Cards and Roster present for every game.


NOTE:  Adult ID Cards do not expire.

a.       To be eligible to participate all teams are required to have present at each and every game/match played:  their Official CYC receipted roster and valid Official CYC Registration ID Cards.

b.      Each CYC District’s Executive Board or their representatives reserves the right to require a mandatory review of rosters and ID Cards prior to each game/match of normal league play.  This is recommended to be followed at least during the first three weeks of each league’s schedule.

c.       Prior to the start of any CYC game/match the opposing Manager may request the appointed game/match officials to administer a roster and ID check.

d.      In all Archdiocesan and all District Playoff games/matches CYC Identification Card and Official CYC receipted Roster must be dated and follow Rule II – Registration of Players/Managers Sec. 3, must be presented prior to the start of the game/match to the appointed Official and on request to the opposing manager.

e.       In all games/matches where ID/Roster checks are required or requested the appointed game/match Officials must verify each player visually with ID Card and Official Roster.  The opposing manager is allowed to observe the verification process.


NOTE:  Late players prior to entering the game/match must display their ID card to the appointed official.


f.        If a manager, coach or player fails to display an Official CYC Identification Card along with an Official Roster as requested he or she may participate in that game/match provided that the said team or individual produces in person the ID Card or Roster in question before or at the completion of the game/match.  If the ID Card and/or Roster (whichever is missing) is displayed in the above manner the manager, coach or player shall be deemed eligible and game/match in point is not subject to protest on this account.  If manager, coach or player participates in the game/match and fails to follow this procedure said game/match may be awarded to opponent by governing Sports Committee without the need of protest.


Rule II Section 4


An Open Division player may participate on the same day with another organization in either the same or different sport.  Parishes may set their own guidelines concerning CYC activities missed.


A Closed Division player may participate on the same day with another organization provided it is a different sport.  Parishes may set their own guidelines concerning CYC activities missed. (See By-Laws, Rule 1, Sec.4)


In either of the above cases during the Archdiocesan Playoffs these games must be participated in to entirety, if they are not, then the offending parties may be disciplined by the Playoff Committee.


Rule II Section 6


Those eligible to play:

a.       1.  Must be a resident of the Archdiocese.

2.  If from another Diocese by special permission of Archdiocesan Director, Associate Director or Sports Director.

b.      In all grade school divisions, a Catholic player is eligible to participate in the CYC Program in the following manner and order:

1.      Parish of registration OR the Catholic School the player is attending as a full-time student.

2.      Parish of residence, if parish of registration or the player’s full-time Catholic school does not have an eligible team for said player.

3.      If there is no program or available team for the player in sections 1 and 2 above, their parish representative shall submit the player to their District Chairmen for assignment with another team in the District.  The assignment should be done on a “need” basis, that is, the assignment is to a team that is in need of players: while taking the player’s past reassignments from previous seasons into consideration and also reasonable geographic factors.

c.       In all grade school divisions, a non-Catholic player is eligible to participate in the CYC Program in the following manner and order:

1.      Parish of residence OR the Catholic school the player is attending as a full-time student.

2.      If there is no program or available team for the player in section 1 above, their parish representative shall submit the player to their District Chairmen for assignment with another team in the District.  The assignment should be done on a “need” basis, that is, the assignment is to a team that is in need of players: while taking the player’s past reassignments from previous seasons into consideration and also reasonable geographic factors.


For sections b-3 and c-2, assignments may, cross District lines with the approval of both District Chairmen.  These applications must be made no later than the deadline for application of parish teams.


The parish must consent to accept the player who is assigned and the player is subject to the rules of that parish.


In cases where a player is not placed on a team because of parish restrictions, that player would be eligible under b-3 or c-2.


d.  1.  If in b and c above there is a program in the player’s division but the parish or school team’s roster is filled, the player may apply to the District for assignment with another parish team in the District.  There are no longer numbers stated for a roster to be considered filled.

This assignment should follow the same procedures as in b-3 and c-2.  (Not intended to move a majority of a team or intended to keep a player from that parish from playing with that team)

2.  If a parish has restrictions as to a player(s) not being allowed to play for that parish then the player(s) may be assigned to another team in accordance with b-3 and c-2 above.  Such parish restrictions must be on file with the District.  The final decision on the enforcement of the parish restriction(s) and the assignment will rest with the District.


e.  1.  In all Grade School Divisions there must be at least one (1) Coach/Manager (Non-Player) in attendance with an ID Card and be responsible for the team’s actions for the entire game.

2.  In the Junior and Juvenile Divisions there must be a least one adult, 21 years or older, in attendance with a CYC ID card responsible for the team’s actions for the entire game.  The Executive Committee reserves the right to require additional responsible adults for any or all Junior or Juvenile teams on a sport by sport basis.  Junior and Juvenile teams should contact their District chairperson/sports chairperson and/or the supplementary rulebook for a full  explanation of that sport’s requirements.


Any team/parish not having the above conditions met is subject to forfeiture and disciplinary action.  In an emergency a substitute coach must be appointed and the Head Official notified.


f.  Closed vs Open Reassignments

A Closed Player can be reassigned to a Closed or an Open team, with no regard so to what their home parish’s classification is.


An Open Player can only be reassigned to an Open team, with no regard as to what their home parish’s classification is.  Their assignment can only be to a team within their district, unless there is no Open team in that district.


NOTE:  A player who changes their status twelve months or less prior to the opening of a season will be considered as being eligible for their previous parish/school as a participant for the balance of the season.  Before participating said player shall file a signed statement of change of registration/residence with the CYC District to be attached to their team’s roster.



Rule VII Section 1:

All that is dishonorable and unsportsmanlike is particularly and expressly condemned.  The manager, coach, player, spectator or team guilty of such violation shall be removed at the discretion of the District/Officials.  The District, provided the District/Official’s report warrants, may further penalize managers, coaches, players and teams.  If a player, coach or manager is ejected from a game or placed on report, they must surrender their ID Card to the game official(s) or CYC personnel, upon request.


Rule VII Section 5:

Managers, coaches and team captains only may confer with the Officials, provided it is done in a civil manner.  Anyone attempting to rush the Officials, cause scenes, or dispute decisions in an unsportsmanlike manner is to be ejected from the game and/or placed on misconduct report.