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  Question Summary Score Total Avg
Multiple Choice        
1 Free throw lineup 2 151 1.91
2 Jurisdiction over game 2 108 1.37
3 Different calls 2 145 1.84
4 Substitution during free throw 2 51 0.65
5 Leave temporarily 2 104 1.32
6 Leave permanently 2 117 1.48
7 Basket selection 2 130 1.65
8 Two free throws are awarded 2 129 1.63
9 Double foul 2 121 1.53
10 Diving for a ball 2 127 1.61
11 20 Point Rule 2 86 1.09
12 Tie in 3rd Grade 2 125 1.58
13 Tie in 4th Grade 2 81 1.03
14 Start 3-second count 2 76 0.96
15 Ejected coach 2 88 1.11
16 Invalid roster 2 94 1.19
17 Violation under basket 2 140 1.77
18 Inbound ball 4th grade 2 66 0.84
19 Stuff on pass 2 112 1.42
20 Foul at top of key 2 124 1.57
21 Lead official's responsibility 2 131 1.66
22 Trail official's responsibility 2 113 1.43
23 Lead official after center jump 2 132 1.67
  Total 46 2551 32.29
Fill In        
1 Pressure on turnovers begins 1 52 0.66
2 Pressure on throw ins in last 2 min begins 1 48 0.61
3 Press throughout begins 1 63 0.8
4 No pressure if 1 79 1
5 1-1 Shooting begins 1 51 0.65
6 Width for throw in 1 50 0.63
7 Length of overtime 1 38 0.48
8 Time to inbound ball 1 75 0.95
9 Time to move ball to front court 1 74 0.94
10 Closely guarded hold ball 1 42 0.53
11 Closely guarded dribble 1 41 0.52
12 Closely guarded hold ball again 1 42 0.53
13 No press line for grades 3-6 1 30 0.38
14 Direct tech fouls for game ejection 1 76 0.96
15 Request center jump 1 27 0.34
16 Time before game forfeit 1 25 0.32
17 Time to warm up if late 1 37 0.47
18 Time for 3rd grade quarters 1 40 0.51
19 Clock stops for 3rd grade 1 72 0.91
20 Begin 7 minute quarters 1 39 0.49
21 CYC player cards are requied 1 34 0.43
  Total 21 1035 13.1
1 Girls use bigger ball in grade 8 1 61 0.77
2 Boys use bigger ball in grade 6 1 68 0.86
3 Start game with less than 5 1 53 0.67
4 Finish game with 2 1 35 0.44
5 Over and back 1 62 0.78
6 On a screen, screener moves hip 1 44 0.56
7 Slap player's hand when touching ball 1 15 0.19
8 Move back to wall on throw in 1 47 0.59
9 Three pointer for third grade 1 43 0.54
10 In overtime, teams change baskets 1 27 0.34
11 Technical if 5th time out but allowed 1 40 0.51
12 Ball is tapped twice in center jump 1 38 0.48
13 Seat belt rule 1 62 0.78
14 Referee can determine game forfeit for cards 1 63 0.8
15 Excessive swinging of elbows 1 65 0.82
16 Allow two steps if screen from rear 1 58 0.73
17 Player gets up from floor with the ball 1 77 0.97
18 Vertical plane 1 66 0.84
19 Run end line when time out after made basket 1 52 0.66
20 Player can stand behind free throw lane 1 69 0.87
21 Rules for slow to return after time out 1 71 0.9
22 Ball hits player's foot 1 26 0.33
23 Hand ball for throw in 1 77 0.97
24 Pivot foot 1 50 0.63
25 Length of coach'e box 1 40 0.51
26 Officials move to table to declare fouls 1 75 0.95
27 Defensive player touches ball being throw in 1 25 0.32
28 Call technical foul on a fan 1 47 0.59
29 Improper uniform in week two 1 66 0.84
30 Cannot call offensive foul if defense is moving 1 48 0.61
31 Player can be disciplined in second half 1 61 0.77
32 Return CYC cards before start of game 1 50 0.63
33 Team B is calling for time out when Team A has ball 1 53 0.67
  Total 33 1734 21.95
1   3 95 1.2
  Grand Total 103 5415 68.54
  79 Participants