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Type Question/Scenario Expected themes in response                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
Philosophy What constitute unsportsmanlike conduct? Only the head coach or captain should approach the referee courteously with a question.
Philosophy How do you intend to handle a coach that is abusive or whiney about calls? Warn the coach if warranted but then call a technical foul if need be.
Philosophy How do you intend to handle a player that is abusive or whiney about calls? Warm the player if warranted but then call a technical foul if need be.  Players should be warned of inappropriate behavior immediately.
Philosophy How do you intend to handle a coach using vulgar language or swears? This is a technical foull.
Philosophy How do you intend to handle a player that uses vulgar language or swears? This is a technical foull.
Philosophy How do you intend to handle a player that performs an intentional foul? This is an intentional foul.
Philosophy Do you have the power to suspend a game?  When do you think a game should be suspended? If you feel that the situation is dangerous for the players or that the fans are too unruly, you can suspend the game.  Solicit the help of the gym monitor and inform both coaches of your decision.
Prep What should you be doing while the teams are warming up? Watch the players warming up to check for jewelry, hair ornaments, casts, etc.  Assist the scorekeepers with card checks if need be.  Introduce yourself to your partner and determine responsibilities.
Proc A coach has no CYC ID card and no Coaching to Make a Positive Difference card.  What should you do? Document the issue on the back of the score sheet.  Inform the coach that if he/she has not attended a Coaching to Make a Positive Difference session, then the game is subject to forfeit by the district if he/she sits on the bench.
Proc The team's roster and all of the coaches' CYC ID cards are locked in a car at the airport.  What should the referee do? Document the issue on the back of the score sheet.  Inform both coaches that the game may be forfeited after the situation is reviewed by the district.
Proc Gary is our scorekeeper.  Can he sit on the bench even though he does not have a CYC ID card? If Gary sits on the bench, then the district may elect to forfeit the game.  I'll document the situation on the score sheet and the district will decide.
Proc Our regular coaches are out of town.  The substitute coach does not have a CYC ID card.  Can we play the game? Document the issue on the back of the score sheet.  Inform both coaches that the game may be forfeited after the situation is reviewed by the district.
Proc The head coach informs you that he/she intends to use a player not on the roster.  What should you do? Tell the coach that you will forward this information to the district because you feel that the game will be forfeited and inform the other coach of the situation.
Proc Team A has four players and a fifth player has been delayed due to a car accident.  What should you do? The lead referee and gym monitor will need to negotiate a fair resolution to both teams.  If it appears that sufficient time exists for the game to be played and both teams are willing, then the start of the game can be delayed a reasonable amount of time.  Otherwise, a practice game should be played if desired and the district will determine with the parish LDs whether the game should be re-scheduled.
Proc Why is it your job to call in subs? This keeps the game organized and prevents a kid from running onto the floor and possibly cause an injury.
Proc If time is limited, how do you check CYC ID cards? The cards should be compared to the roster.
Proc How is a complete CYC ID card check done? Compare pictures to players and compare cards to roster.
Proc One inexperienced referee and two young scorekeepers show up for the game and no gym monitor is present.  Two eighth grade boys' teams arrive with kids looking like they are ready to drive.  What should you do? Work out a solution with both coaches.  Either use a coach or fan as a second referee or cancel the game to be re-scheduled later.
Uniform One of Mary's Christmas presents was pierced ears and she has the earings covered with band aids.  Can she play? Mary can't play unless the earings are removed.
Uniform Joe has a medic alert bracelet.  What needs to be done so Joe can participate in the game? All portions of the bracelet  need to be taped to the wrist.  The medical information needs to remain visible.
Uniform It is the second game of the season and two players have the same number.  What should you do? Per the rules, one of the players cannot participate in the game.  Otherwise, the game is forfeited.  The problem can't be fixed with tape.
Uniform Mary has a metal clip in her hair which you notice after the game has started.  What should you do? Stop the game at the next convenient time and ask Mary to remove the clip.
Uniform Brian has new shoes which are causing black marks on the gym floor.  What should you do? Tell the head coach that Brian needs to wear different shoes or he cannot continue playing in the game.
Uniform Joe has a cast on his wrist that is wrapped in an ace bandage.  Can he play? Joe cannot play.
Uniform Mary forgets her jersey but her coach wants her to participate in the game.  What should you do? Explain to the coach that the game will be a forfeit, if Mary participates.
Uniform It is the first game of the season and two players have the same number.  What should you do? See if a different number can be made from tape.  Tell the coach that a technical foul will be assessed if the situation is not fixed by game two.
Uniform A player has returned from a spring break vacation and her parents paid $100 to have her hair beaded.  Can she participate in the game? No.
Game The scorekeeper tells you that Mary played only 10 seconds in the first half of the game.  What should the lead official do? Approach the head coach politely and remind him/her that we expect kids to play at least 25% of the game and the player must appear in both halves.
Game The lead official called a foul and the second official called steps.  Which call takes precedence? The referees should confer to determine which event occurred first.
Game Team A delays resuming play after a time-out or intermission.  What should you do? Place the ball on the floor for five seconds.  If the delay happens again, call a technical foul.
Game A team is warned about the no press rule and presses again.  What should you do? Call a technical foul against the team.
Game The horn does not sound and a basket is made after the game time has expired.  What should you do? Consult with your partner and the scorekeepersto determine whether the basket is legal.  No coaches should be involved.  Inform both coaches of your decision.
Game The throw for the center jump is horrible.  What should you do? Blow your whistle, initialize the clock, and repeat the center jump.
Hurt Mary falls to the floor and starts crying.  What should you do? Ask the head coach to come onto the floor.  Mary must leave the game but can return later.
Hurt Mary is down on the floor and is obviously hurt.  Everyone is running around her.  What should you do? If you think Mary is at risk for further injury, stop the game immediately.  Otherwise, stop the game as soon as Mary's team possesses the ball or the opposing team does not have an opportunity to make a basket.
Hurt Mary is down on the floor under her own basket and is obviously hurt.  The opposing team has a fast break.  What should you do? If you think Mary is at risk for further injury, stop the game immediately.  Otherwise, stop the game as soon as the opposing team makes the basket, the opposing team's easy opportunity for scoring is over, or Mary's team has possession of the ball.
Hurt Mary bumps her head on the floor and you think she is unconscious.  What should you do? Summon the coach to the floor immediately.  Tell the coach that Mary is ineligible for the rest of the game unless a note from a physician is provided.
Hurt A playeris injured and fans from the stand start to run onto the floor.  What should you do? Tell the fans that the head coach will handle the situation and will request their assistance if warranted.
Sports Team A's fans are questioning most class made by the referees.  What should you do? Approach the head coach and tell him/her to control the team's fans.  Report the problem on the back of the score sheet.  If the problem persits, call a technical foul.
Sports A coach used vulgar language.  What should you do? A technical foul should be called.
Sports A coach jumped onto the floor to question a call.  What should you do? A technical foul should be called.
Sports The head coach has been standing throughout the entire first quarter and has been griping about calls continually.  What should you do? The referee will need to judge the impact of the griping on the game to determine how promptly the coach should be reminded to sit down and to quit griping.  If the problem persists after a warning, call a technical foul.
Sports The head coach has been standing throughout the entire first quarter, has been coaching his team, and has made no comments on the officiating.  What should you do? At a quarter or time out, remind the coach that he/she should remain seated unless coaching.
Sports The head coach has been standing throughout the entire first quarter, has been coaching his team, and has made no comments on the officiating.  The opposing coach approaches you about asking the coach to remain seated.  What should you do? At a quarter or time out, remind the coach that he/she should remain seated unless coaching.
Sports The coach is yelling because a player is extending their arms to hold the ball under the chin after a rebound.  What should you do? Explain the rule to the coach at the next stoppage in play.
Sports When/how can a coach question a call?  What happens if the coach is correct?  What happens if the coach is wrong? The coach can discuss anything with a referee in a courteous and respectful manner.  If the coach is incorrect, a time out is assessed.  If the coach is correct and the situation is identified before a subsequent dead ball and it is a correctable error, then C60it is corrected.
Sports A team yells shot whenever a shot is taken.  The opposing team complains.  What should you do? This is legal unless you feel the comments are taunting the opposing team.
Sports A coach is yelling and you tell him that is is time to stop.  The coach continues to yell.  What should you do? A technical foul should be called or the coach should be ejected from the game.
Sports A fan is kicked out of the gym but refuses to leave.  What do you do next? Inform the head coach that either the fan leaves immediately or the game will be called.  Do not continue playing until the fan has left the building.
Tech Johnny used vulgar language on the court and he has one technical foul already.  What should you do? Call the second technical foul.  The player is ejected automatically.
Tech A player begins questioning your calls.  What should you do? Pull the player aside and give he/she a warning.  If the behavior continues, call a technical foul.
Tech Players on opposing teams seem to have a private shoving match.  What should you do? Pull the players aside and give both a warning.  If the behavior continues, call a technical foul or eject the player(s) if appropriate.
Tech Mary slapped another player intentionally.  What should you do? At a minimum, a technical foul should be called.
Rule Are moving screens illegal in basketball? No.
Rule When screening a moving opponent, what are the responsibilities of the screener? If the screen is behind the player, one step needs to exist between the players.  The screener cannot move into the path of an opposing player.
Rule Player A is in a vertical position and jumps.  Player B initiates contact.  Has a foul been comitted by player A?  Has a foul been commited by player B? The foul is on player B.
Rule Both teams step into the lane too soon on the last free throw for a player.  What happens? The possession arrow determines who can inbound the ball from the baseline.
Rule A double technical foul is called.  What happens next? The possession arraw determines who inbounds the ball at half court.
Rule Team A has used all of its allowed time outs.  What happens if the team asks for another time out. The time out is allowed but a technical foul is called.
Rule What do you do if a live ball lodges on a basketball support? The possession arrow determines who can inbound the ball from the baseline.
Rule When can a team complete a game with one player? If the referee feels that the team still has a chance to win the game, then the game can continue.
Rule A player dunks the ball during warmups.  What should you do? Although you would like to applaud the achievement, the game starts with a technical foul shot.
Fouls Johnny is attempting to shoot a layup and is pushed from behind by Joe.  What should you do? Call an intentional or flagrant foul if warranted.
Fouls Johnny bumps off of a player on the opposing team before shooting.  What is the call? Johnny has commited an offensive foul.
Fouls Matilda bends down to jump for a rebound and bumps the opposing player away from the basket.  What is the call? The foul should be called on Matilda if the opposing player has established a rebounding position.
Unbelievable You overhear fans talking about getting their opponents in the parking lot after the game.  What should you do? Pass the information on to the gym monitor who can call the police if appropriate.