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Yo waz' up and welcome to my Bad Boy page. First of all I want to thank Puff Master Big for hookin me up with all my graphix and banners. Click here to go to his bad boy page.Click on the bad boy of your choice to get to their photo and video galleries. Please email me if you think my page needs any changes or if you have any ideas. Don't forget to come back and check out my new additions. This page will often be updated so if you would like to know when i update it, please email me. Thankyou again!!!!!! -Kyle

Newest Bad Boy Release
"Harlem World"
Click here for RA


1/20/99- Added a new Total Link. Sorry bout tha non updated page, if you think this site is phat, check out my No limit site, No Limit Party, the #1 No Limit site on the web!
10/9- Added some really important Bad Boy News. Also updated the All Out Section of my page. Sorry for the non-updated page for a while, I have been workin alot on MY NO LIMIT PAGE. But i still plan to add some more pics and new animations very soon.
9-19Added BAD BOY NEWS Section. Also
Added A new section on ALL OUT RECORDS
, Ma$e's New record label that
is a branch of Bad Boy.ALOT OF
9-18Added a Banner Link to the
new ALL OUT Records Site.
All Out is Ma$e's New Record Label that
he is the CEO of. Also
will soon be adding many bad
boy animations, and
also a Bad Boy News Section. So be
sure to come check it out!!
8-28A New Award came in for this PHAT site. Also more Puffy Lyrics were added. Many new animations and multimedia will be added tonight or tomorrow, so be sure to check those out- they're gonna be PHAT.
8-8 Added Ma$e Picture Gallery #5,
Ma$e Picture Gallery #6,
and more Ma$e Lyrics.
8-6 Added 2 new banners, a Puffdaddy Lyrics Page,
and a new award I won.
Also Thanx to Puff Big Master for the
new link images.
8-5 Added new Puffdaddy
and Lox Picture Galleries.

Check out Wicked Graphix for
tight images for your page

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Bustatail's PHAT homepage 

MAD Props to Puff Big Master
for hookin me up with all my
graphix and banners.
Check out his site HERE.

MAD Props to Dave's Bad Boy Puffy World for hookin me up with some of my multimedia.

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