Elliot's Band Page

The Wonderful World of The Hitchhikers as seen by The Drummer

This page is the master of all pages!! You have seen the Ska Scene, the Metal Scene, and the Alternative scene, but now it's time for the new scene. So put your hands together, and get ready for the band to beat all bands, here they are...THE HITCHHIKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So how's it going? You've found my page!! Congrats! What I want you to do is e-mail me, eh? Will you? I doubt it. Sign my guestbook that Dave set up and then, just look around, be happy, enjoy the bliss that is The Hitchhikers!

Oh yeah, and just so you know, Martha's comments kick ass!!

Stuff On This Page

The Story of The Hitch (as told by drummer)
The Story of Will's Girlfriends
Zach's Guide to Playing Bass With a Pick
Jonny's Stunts and Other Amazing Feats
Dave's Special Area
My Drum Addiction
My Ska Story
Why Some of us Hate Ska
My Favorite Bands-Links To Them!!
Hitch News-catch up on what's going on in the band-From Gossip to Gigs
Hitchhiker Equipment
Song List
Hitch FAQ
Special Thanks
More Links
Go Here Now
Words To Know
This Says it All for Me
My Guestbook!