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(Updated June 24, 2015)

Reunion news:

35th Reunion is June 26-27, 2015.

It's not too late! You can pay when you come!

The price is $10 per person to help defray the rental of the winery patio.
Make checks payable to the Helias Class of 1980.

Join the Helias Class of 1980 group on Facebook to keep up with old friends...or enemies!

I also have a few copies of the 30th reunion CD available. Thanks to Cindy Cook Witzigman. Just let me know if you'd like one.

If you've never been to a reunion, check out what you've been missing -- 20th Reunion Stuff

Smile, you're on candid camera! See the Photo Gallery!

Helias High School Website

Jefferson City Website

Jefferson City News Tribune Website

E-Mail me with your questions and comments concerning this site.