Chapter forty six

"Does it matter."

Jeremy was facing the front of the class, but his comments were directed to the blond boneheaded football player sitting next to him.

Math had always found it's way to the boring side of things, and now, Monday morning, math for an hour and a half, was not a good thing.

The teacher walked back and forth across the room, lecturing about formulas and equations Jeremy would be lucky to even think about.

Another stupid question from his side of the room was followed by a laughing class.

"Why on earth is that funny?"

Jeremy shook his head, saying things to himself.

The teacher picked up a piece of chalk and began writing down examples on the board when the door to the room opened.

The teacher walked to the door and sighed as waved a person in.

"Jem it's yours."

Jeremy frowned, standing up as a very agitated Taylor walked through the door.

A few giggles were heard but Taylor was the first to ward them off with eyes rolling and a big sigh.

"Not like I wanna be here students."

He shook his head at them and raised an eyebrow.

Jeremy grinned.


Taylor shrugged.

"Still not back and now Ike is pissed."

The teacher interrupted.

"No cussing in my classroom even if you aren't my student."

Jeremy smiled again.

"Do you know where he is, cause it's important."

"Tay. I know it is. But I honestly don't know where he is."

Taylor frowned as he looked at his girlfriends brother.

"You suck at lying."

Jeremy paused.

"How would you know."

"Cause you suck at it."

"Good reason there blond boy."

Taylor turned around.

"Just remember, you have a problem kid in your house to jem, and if you ever run into a conflict, I'll show you how bad I lie."

"We're leaving."

Taylor paused from his lunch, looking up at Mercy.

"Can't we finish eating?"

She sighed.

"Not the restraunt. We're leaving. My family, we're going to do things as a band, and we'll be gone for a while."

Taylor shrugged and went back to eating.

"Is that all you can do is shrug and stuff your face?"

He paused again, eyes still fixed on his plate.

"What do you want me to say? We were away for a good 4 months, more then that, and we had to live without friends and some family too. Your not the only one."

"Well you could show just a little more emotion about the whole thing."

"Like what?"

She rolled her eyes and looked away from him.

"Is being an ass really genetic in your family?"

"Being an ass? As far as I know there isn't anyone that's related to me that's an ass."

"You are, your brother is."

"Please use more detail then your brother. I have three of them remember."

"Isaac. And this whole Zac thing is making me wonder if he's not a spitting image of you."

"That leaves Mack, and he's not an ass."

"He's six."

Taylor smiled.

"Mey. Are you feeling okay? You seem, really really, I don't know, bitchy."

"Oh Bitchy."

"Yup. Kinda like, well when we met."

"When we met you were slime. And I was a paper towel."

"I like that, do I have permission to use that in a song?"

She threw her napkin at him.

"Your impossible to talk to."

"About what? There's nothing to talk to me about."

She sighed once more.

"You don't care that I'm leaving."

"Is that what I said? I don't recall my saying anything even similar to that."

"No, but you didn't pay much attention to me when I said it."


"Are not."

"Mey's going to be late."

Zac and Jeremy sat on the front steps to the school.

"Her problem."

Taylor had picked her up after talking to Jeremy, and taken her to lunch.

"Are you ready to go New York."

Zac added the sarcasm to New York, as if it wasn't what it was cracked up to be.

"Not really. And just out of curiousity, what do you plan to do with your friend?"

Zac hadn't thought about that. If they left for that long, Zac would have to leave to get food and things he needed, but if he didn't stay there, he'd be stuck in his house. With his brothers.

Zac frowned.

"I'm working on that."

"Your welcome."

Taylor yelled after Mercy as she stepped out of his car. She shut the door behind her, not responding.

"Why do I get the feeling she's really mad."

Taylor watched her jog up the front steps and disappear into the building.

Releasing the break, he rolled foreward, a frown on his face.

"Makes the world go round and round..dumm doo."

Zac had a soap opera on the television, and when he wasn't paying attention to it, he was going through the album.

"Number five. Then number six. And if I still have time, number seven too. Oh wait. Of course I'll have time."

Zac stood up and started walking around the table. They had brought a few board games a while back, but there was no point in playing battleships if you didn't have to players.

"No actually this is great fun. I think I should stay here much longer."

He flipped his hair up, and puckered his lips.

"I'm never bored."

School ended surprisingly slow. It was more of a burden to visit school that week rather then just ditch and leave for NY early, but that made sense, and for Dorin to do anything that made sense was way out of the question.

Zac had declined the ride Jeremy had offered and had walked home instead. Planning on stopping by to visit his friend first.

Tulsa was by no means a small town, but when it came to the people and places that were known they stayed to their district. Zac had known their other neighborhood quite well, he had grown up there and had done anything he wanted to with his friends. Exploring, even though you couldn't really explore in a rural residential area, and walking back streets.

The new neighborhood was cleaner, and more simple then the other one. There were no interesting abandon buildings, no little shed at the end of the block that supposedly held some old witch, and there was definitly no way to get into trouble. Unless you were 14 and a pop star.

The fact that they were famous, was cool, but Zac had to admit that he couldn't remember a time when he'd used his fame to get him anything. He hadn't known his to do it either, which was the cool thing about them. He found himself thinking about that more and more, and as he realized that he wasn't just some kid anymore, he was popped back into the reality that he did have to be careful.

He nodded his head.

"Being famous is cool."

He continued up the street to their place and continued to fill his mind with intriguing thoughts.

Walking up to the propped open back door, he squeezed in, waiting a minute to let his eyes adjust to the dim light.

Sticking out his tongue in disgust, he took a deep breath of musty air.

Continuing his walk through the complex, he came to the door, and pushed it open.

Zac Hanson's face lit up at the sight of his friend.

"Your going to stay right! And you did bring something to do right! D I'm borrreeeedddd!"

The two walked to the sofa, shoving the door behind them.

"Zac Hanson? Bored? How can that be? I'm surprised you haven't decorated the walls with spit wads or SOMETHING creative."


They smiled at eachother.

"Han. We've run into a slight problem."

"What would that be?"

"Oh say, the fact that I'm leaving for a good month the end of this week."

Zac Hanson's mouth dropped open. He threw his head back and clutched his chest with his hands.

"DDDDDDddddd! Now? Right in the middle of this! This is so not fair."

"Stop it your talking like my sister."

"Totally. Zac! You can't leave me here in Tulsa. You can't! I can't stay here! I'm going to be subject to death! Maybe worse!"

"Uh, Han, what could be worse then death?"

"Living with Tay and Ike and then death!"

Zac Hanson reached foreward and grasped his friends shoulder. He shook him, making his head weave back and forth.

"D! You don't understand. If I go home now, things are going to be horrid. First, I'll have to sit there and listen Isaac. Isaac! You know how my brother talks! He could be on an infrommercial he talks so long. And Tay! Taylor is going to rip my heart out of my chest with his bare hands, fry it up and feed it to wickit! And she probably won't even eat cause dogs can feel the vibes you know! D you can't leave me here! Bad things will happen!!!!"

The two stared eachother in the eyes.

"Han. I don't see how I can not make you go back dude. There's no way outta this one."

He sighed.

"I got it!"

Zac Dentra looked over at his friend.

"What Zac, and it better be sane, better be a smart thing to do, and if Dorin yells at me one more time for something it is that we did, I'm going to personally kick your ass."

Zac Hanson giggled.

"Take me with you."

"HELL no!"

"Oh come on D! It's a plane ticket, and I'll go there with you. I'll be your shadow but you won't notice me."

"What are we supposed to do about your family? We can't just leave them hanging."

"Who cares! We'll tell them when Dorin finds me in the hotel room."

"NO WAY! I'm in enough trouble as it is."

"Please D! Please!"

"Han I can't get you there! How am I supposed to get you on the plane?"

"I'll take a later one."

"What about getting you to the hotel?"

"Ever heard of a cab?"



"How are you going to pay for this ticket?"

Zac Hanson paused, looking up at his friend, and forming his face into one of sadness.

"I know it's a big bad thing to ask of your friends, but could I borrow some money."

Zac Dentra threw up his arms.

"Han! Your gonna get us in trouble!"

"It'll work! I promise!"

"I'll think about it."

"No! I can't find him anywhere. It's a little odd that Zac is missing. He's usually the one that likes to be noticed Taylor. You could help a little more."

"Oh gee I'm sorry. It's not my fault that he was grounded to his room by you. Not me."

"You helped me decide that was the thing to do."

"I said 'whatever' not Ground the kid from his best friend."

Isaac continued storming around the house.

"Damnit Taylor! Where could he be?"

Taylor rolled his eyes. As far as he was concerned, Zac would come back when he wanted to. It was about time for the kid to open his eyes to the real world, and as soon as he found out how boring and tough life was on his own, he'd be back. All in good time.

"He'll be fine. I bet you hear from him in the next week."

"Next week! In the next week! TAYLOR! Mom and dad are going to be home Saturday. The Dentras are LEAVING Friday! What the hell am I supposed to do?"

"Ike man, I bet the Dentras are just being nice, and stashing him for a while, he'll be home before mom and dad get home, and he'll be snug, and you can deal with it then."

Isaac stormed out of the room again.

"Why aren't you worried about him? He's your brother too!"

"I know he is, but he'll be fine. He's a big boy now. Leave him alone."

Taylor stood up to leave.

"You could be more supportive. Why don't you ask your girlfriend if they are just 'stashing' him over there. I bet you'd find out your wrong."

"If I asked mey, she wouldn't tell me even if they were, and if I did ask her right now she probably wouldn't answer."

Isaac paused.


"A girl thing maybe? PMS. Personally It can't be anything with our personal life because we haven't had any problems."

Isaac chuckled.



"Yeah right. Your pissed about Zac one second and laughing the next, about me and mey. So then what."

"Nothing. You'd get mad."

"Try me."

Taylor stood frowning at his brother.

"Have a sex life?"

Taylor scrunched up his face, picked up a shoe and flung it at his brother.

"I don't believe I said 'Hey Ike ask me how my sex life is' did I."

Chapter 47
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