Chapter forty three

Zac threw himself on his bed.

"This is so stupid. There is no reason why I should be stuck here like this. I can't even tell D what's up."

Zac picked up a toy soldier, something he'd outgrown, but one of those things you just sorta, kept.

Twisting its arms at the joint, he got tired with the toy and flung it across the room.

"This sucks."

Downstairs he heard the front door shut, and waited to hear signs of whoever was in the house.

Murmurs and giggles was the only thing he heard.

"Oh great. 'Mac fest on aisle ten! We need a cleanup.'"

Zac slumped down again. Not only was he stuck in his house, but now, in his room too. There was no way he was going to sit downstairs in front of Mey and Tay, and there was definitely no way he was going to let them do that stuff in his room.

"Girls make Tay go ga-ga. "

Jumping up and grabbing at the soldier he had thrown, he played with it again, making it walk, making it talk.

Tossing it around and catching it, he smacked it and it hit the wall.

"This SUCKS!"

Pulling off his shoes he threw them on the floor.

Climbing into bed, he slipped under the covers, pulling them tight around his chin, he sighed.

"They think they can, but they can't. And tomorrow I'm leaving this dumb house."

Switching off the light by his bed, he rolled over, closing his eyes.

Taylor's lap was so, so, good for sitting. It was just one of those laps that was perfect as a chair.

Mercy almost fit entirely into it on the sofa, her head resting under his chin on his chest, her hands wrapped around him. She closed her eyes.

"The house is warm."

"I know. Zac must have been playing with the thermostat."

"I think it's cozy."

Mercy reached up and pushed the hair out of Taylor's face, which reached down, tickling her nose.

Taylor leaned his head on Mercy's and sighed.

"So what now?"

"I don't know, it's your house."

"I believe it was you who said 'lets party."

"I never said that."

"Oh sure. I said that."

"Thanks for realizing it."

Taylor smiled.

"You know."

"I know lots of things."

"We should do more things together."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. We don't seem like girlfriend and boyfriend."

"Oh my gawd!"

Mercy sat up abruptly.


Taylor took her head in his hands.

"I think we should celebrate!"

Mercy looked confused.


"You would not believe it Mey, but something just took over your body and you admitted we're together!"

Mercy grabbed a throw pillow and stuffed it in his face.

"Not funny."

Chuckling, Taylor fell back, letting Mercy resume her position.

"It looks clean to me."

"Clean as can be."

"We should clean houses for a living."

"Yeah maybe."

Zac and Jeremy were lying on the floor.

"So Jem."

"So Zac."

"How's Nikki."


"How's Jem Jr."

"Jem Jr. isn't existing yet."


"What do we wanna do?"


Zac jumped up.

"Okay. Food. Sounds good yes."

"I have a crazy idea."

"Like any other."

Mercy punched Taylor.

"Okay what's your idea Mey."

"You know that really slow Frank Sinatra stuff your mom and dad listen to."

"Yeah. What about it."

"Put it in the stereo."


"We can dance around the living room like old people."

Taylor threw back his head and laughed.

"It's not funny! We should! We never do anything exciting."

"You call dancing to Frank exciting."

"Well no."

Taylor pushed her up, letting her fall back on the sofa.


"Don't get whiney."


"Well what."

Standing over the sofa, Taylor looked down.

"We have never ever once danced. In all this time."


"So we should!"

Taylor reached down and pulled her up.

"Okay. But I'm telling you I'm a really bad dancer."


"Am not."

He pushed the play button on the stereo and walked back to Mercy.

The volume was low, the lights were dim, and no one was due home for quite some time. Taylor and Mercy Danced to the slow songs, giggling and smiling about how they felt like old people.

Morning dawned, and the Hanson house found itself bathed in sun. The night had treated Dorin and Isaac with exhaustion, and they hadn't gotten home to the Hanson's house until nearly 2 in the morning. Dorin had sat down in the chair and conveniently fallen asleep. Isaac stretched out on the floor, a throw blanket for a pillow, and was soon to follow.

Zac and Jeremy had stayed up until about the same time, only they were sitting in front of the television watching some old horror films and eating half burnt popcorn.

Zac Hanson had fallen asleep, fully dressed, around 10 the night before, and Taylor and Mercy spent the night swaying.

Seven in the morning was much too early to get up, proving to be without energy and useless.

Dorin's eyes lifted, still aching from the night before.

The curtains were drawn, but the house seemed to get very warm very quickly. The carpet was warm, the chair was warm, heck, it was like a sauna.

Dorin lifted his arms.

He hadn't been this tired for a while, so how come when you went to a club, you were more tired then when you played at one?

Dorin heard giggles outside the front door and looked out the window. Two teenage girls were slowly making their way to the Hanson's sidewalk.

"Hanson fans."

Dorin slumped back down, letting his body relax.

"I'm glad we don't have fans like that."

Zac woke up with a start. It was too sunny to be alive.

Throwing one of his pillows at the window in which the bright light came, he wrapped his head up in a blanket.

"Stupid sun."

Hearing a soft snoring he paused, then untangled himself from the blanket.

"Damn. They better not have barely held hands in my presence."

Zac scowled at his brother.

Taylor leaned against the wall, Mercy leaning against him, both only covered by one blanket, and sleeping like the dead.

Zac rolled his eyes. Who cared anyway.

Standing up out of bed, he walked to his closet. Rummaging through piles of shoes, throwing out any of Taylor or Isaac's, and grabbing for some socks.

Opening the door, he walked into the hallway.

"Why does everyone in this house snore!!"

He walked into the living room where Isaac lay, sprawled on the floor, and scowled at him.

"Too tired."

Zac didn't have his laces tied, just slipped his shoes on.

Walking past his comatose brother, and out the front door, Zac sighed a sigh of relief.

Taylor always smelled good. Like he was born with some damn scent already in his body.

The room was heating up fast, and as Mercy pushed the blankets off them she remembered Tay had said something about the heater.

Sleepily, she walked out of the room and down the hall. The thermometer read 76 degrees.

"Christ. He was trying to cook us."

Mercy turned it down and waddled back to bed.

During her absence, Taylor had noticed in his sleep, and had used that time to stretch out. Now, he looked really tired.

"Oh so what am I supposed to do? Lay on the floor?"

She threw up her arms, turned around and walked out the door.

"Up up sleepy heads! Morning morning the gangs all here! Breakfast! Come on little ones, round your behinds to the kitchen."

Isaac pryed his eyes open, lifting his head to look around.

Sitting up stiffly, he slapped Dorin's leg.

"Your sister seems to think that this is boot camp, and wake up is 7:30."

Dorin brushed Isaac away and turned his head the opposite direction.

"Door, if I have to get up you do too."

Clutching Dorin's leg, Isaac gave it one good tug and Dorin was on the floor, shaking his head as a grin spread across his face.

"Well just think. She may be related to you too someday."

Isaac smacked his forehead.

"Oh yeah."

Sitting up, the two rubbed their eyes, then the back of their necks.

"We have to get out more often."

"You two get up! Now, as in now now now. Get your butts off the floor and get in the kitchen. See, that's what you get for going to a club all night. Pain. I hope you hurt yourselves standing up!"

She smiled, a pan of eggs in one hand, a spatula in the other, and turned around. Her shoes made a clunking sound on the floor.


"What a marvelous thing."

In Jeremy's room, the readio was playing softly, nine inch nails and pearl jam. What a combination.

Zac knocked on the door, trying to get Jeremy up.

"Jem. Morning time. Get up already."

Zac thumped a few more times, but to no avail.

Turning around and walking to the living room, Zac switched on the television.

Surfing through channels, and pausing only if there was something really really important…..nothing…he moved on until he caught Mtv.

"This is a rip."

Watching as Jewel sat next to Carson Daly, he blankly watched the number 4 video come on.

"Ahh total request. I love this show."

Zac hummed along as some backstreet boys video flashed across the screen.

"I think we're on this."

Zac looked up as his brother entered the room.

"Oh yeah. Ha!"

Jeremy smiled.

"Don't sound so happy for us."

"I won't."

Jeremy stumbled over to the sofa, scratching his head as his blond tassles hung in his face.

"What number."


They waited. The commercial break came and they watched advertisements for lee jeans, some model show, and the mtv music video awards . Zac drew back as his sisters picture flashed across the screen.


"Pretty cool eh."

"What, that Mey's on tv, or that she was in an ad for the awards?"

"duh bozo."

"Oh. So when did y'all decide we were going there?"

"Good question."

"Where's Zac?"

Taylor sat next to Isaac at the table.

"In bed."

"Fraid not."

Isaac paused.

"He better be."

"Nope. And he's not in the bathroom either."

Isaac threw down his napkin.

"Aww shit!"

Standing up from the table, Isaac headed to the front door.

"I'll be back in a minute."

Looking over his shoulder Zac stepped up to the door. Knocking loudly he waited.

"Come on D…Be home!"

He knocked once more, stamping his foot.

Inside he heard his friend yelling at the front door.

"Wait the hella minute!"

He waited fidgeting and looking once more over his shoulder.

He heard the front door unlock, and then it swung open. Inside his friend stood, somewhat shocked, but happy.


Zac Dentra yelled out.


The two quieted down.

"I need to talk to you D."

"Is Zac here?"

"Uh, he's in his room."

"Not your Zac, My Zac."

"Oh! Make up your mind damnit!"

Jeremy paused as if in thought.

"Nope, not unless he's got some sort of invisible cloak he can wear and get past the living room with it."

Isaac sighed.

"Why anyway?"

"Well cause I need to talk to him."

Jeremy paused again.

"Well if I see him I'll send him your way."

Isaac turned around, walked back to his car and paused.

Looking back at Jeremy he waved.

"Thanks anyway."Closing the door Jeremy faced the two boys sitting on the floor.

"Well, if I haven't seen you now, then I guess I'm never going to."

Chapter 44
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