Chapter thirty four

Blood everywhere. Something was coming at him and it wasn't faltering pace.

Where is she!!! Where did she go!

He heard a scream, more blood, oh god.

Jeremy sat up, choking for his breath.

That was the third time that week he'd fallen asleep. You can't fall asleep while your on a high.

You just can't.

But he was getting so tired.

Nikki's warm body lay next to him in bed.

He hadn't woken her up.


SHe didn't stir.

Okay, so too bad it was a week from christmas, as he thought now, they were going to go eat dinner with the rest of the family, then come home and get smoked up. Good idea.

He stepped up from the bed, letting the mattress spring up as he stood.

His girlfriend rolled over, eyes still shut, and steady breathing.

Jeremy walked from the room, grabbing a shirt from a chair where it had been thrown the night before, he stumbled into the kitchen.

What time was it anyway?

squinting at the microwave clock, he sighed.

Almost 4.

He shivered.

The next bad thing about his dreams, he sweated, and bad.

He didn't have a headache, which wasn't surprising, but he felt a little buzzed, cool.

Dorin's little heart to heart speech had pissed Zac off to no extent. He knew it shouldn't have, but it did!

He knew he should have taken it as a caring gesture, but he didn't.


Zac scowled as he walked down the stairs.


Fine fine already.

He walked to the phone.


"Hey D. Uh, wanna do something?"


There was a pause. No? That was like, sporatic.

"Uh, umm, okay. Maybe later then?"

"Fine later."

There was another pause.

Was he feeling nasty or what?

"Uh, okay man, umm, see you later."

Zac Dentra slammed the reciever.

"Why does he always call here! Can't he wait?"

Zac stormed from the room.

Dorin watched as his brother walked away, after of course, slamming the phone down on the hook, on his best friend?!

"So what are you guys doing today then, need a ride maybe?"

Taylor stood by his brother, searching through his endless drawers of clothing.

Zac sighed.


Taylor reached over and playfully smacked zac on the shoulder.

"No really dude, what are you doing, I have to have an excuse for going over."

Zac looked at his brother.


Taylor looked up.

It looked like his brother was seriously going to cry.

"Nothing? What do you mean? You guys always hang out together. It's X-mas break anyway! You guys should be glued tog...."

Taylor trailed off as he saw Zac inhale deeply.

"He said nothing. We aren't doing anything."

Zac turned from the room and stepped out. His shoulders slumped.

Nothing? Zac Dentra and Zac Hanson NOT together? What has happened in this relationship?

"Hey door, mey there?"

Dorin yelled through the house.

"Nope, sorry tay, in the shower, and no, that's not and invite for you to come over and join."

The two laughed.

"Hey door, Zac is really upset."

Dorin paused.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, what happened between them?"

Dorin sighed.

"I don't know, but I know that Zac is in a real bad mood."

Taylor paused.

"Oh, well Zac is moping around."

"Zac is storming around over here."


"Way weird."

Zac sat in the farthest corner watching all the happenings.

He had gone from angry to depressed. He had really no reason to, he just was.


His best friend, or, at least the person that used to be his best frined came and sat by him.

Zac had to admit, he had not treated Han with the most love a friend could lately.

"Zac you okay?"

That and he ignored him now.

"Zac please?"

No response.

", if you want to come over and eat or something, the you can."

Zac Hanson stood up, choking back some sort of extreme frustration.

He had done it.

How could a person change like that so fast? And especially yourself?

Zac Dentra sighed.

He back to it. No talking. He tried, tried and tried and tried. He couldn't do it.

He couldn't even explain it. Now his siblings sidestepped him and his best friend was upset.

Stupid emotions.

Christmas was supposed to be fun. Not embarrassing or anything like that.

They were at the hanson house. The hanson's parents sat round the table, with all seven of their kids, angie, one of zac's firends, and the Dentra family. Mrs. Hansonmust have cooked her butt off.

Jeremy had come, he had brought nikki. They looked stoned. Zac could see it. THey were clean, but they looked worn down.

Mercy sat by taylor, probably playing footsie or something under the table where no one could see them.


"Zac! You coming?"

Zac looked up from his corner.

Sighing, then taking a deep breath, he shook his head.

He wasn't hungry.

Dorin shrugged.

"Zac honey, come eat something, there's enough for everyone!"

Mrs hanson.

Zac shut his eyes tight.

Go away please.

"Come on Zac, come eat."

Mr. hanson.

Zac stood, grabbing his jacket he walked to the front door. Without saying a word, he stepped out.

Fuck! Since when was it this cold in Tulsa? Who knew, all Zac realized now was that if he stepped into that house, there would only more pestering.

The front door opened.

Zac Hanson ran out and down the steps to him.

"Zac!! What are you doing! Your going to get sick! That coat isn't...."

"Shut up already Zac!"

Zac hanson drew back.

"Zac what's gotten into you lately? Why are you so weird? You don't look like D, you don't act like him anymore."

"None of your business."

"ZAC! It IS my business! Your my friend! I love you like one! You can't leave me out like this!"

Zac looked back at his friend. They were both shivering.

"Zac your my friend, and you look unhappy. Please tell me what's wrong!"

"Go get a coat Zac, your comin' home with me."

Zac Hanson looked at his friend in bewilderment.

"But Za..."

"Just go get a coat before I leave you here!"

Zac raced into the house, and emerged with two pairs of gloves, two hats and a coat.

Why on earth was Tulsa so cold this winter? Maybe El Nino had a part or something.

"Well Mrs hanson, the dinner was fabulous!"

Nikki helped the mother clear off the table.

"Thank you."

When they were finished, nikki walked to Jeremy who stood by the door.

Dorin looked up at his brother.

"Hey Jem, I need to talk to you sometime this week. Preferably as soon as possible okay?"

Jeremy nodded cautiously.

"Kay, I'll call you."

Christmas eve. Snow swirled for once in Tulsa. It wasn't so hot. It was warm, not hot and not SO cold. But it was still cold for Tulsa.

Zac Hanson stared intently at his friend.

"Really? I didn't know that."


"Sorry man."

"No your not."

"I am too!"

They went quiet.

"Oh well. No big deal."

They reached for the kleenex box at the same time.

It had taken them a good 20 minutes to get home, and their feet and clothing were sopping when they arrived.

"SOrry I doubted you D."

Zac shrugged.

"Where's Tay? Hey! Where did mey go too!"

Jessica ran to Dorin, throwing her self in his lap.

"They went to the bed room and held the door shut so I couldnt' get in."

Dorin glanced at isaac who sat grinning on the chair opposite him.

"Whatya say we go be some kill joys."

Without hesitation, the two stood, Dorin placing Jessica on the chair he sat in.

They raced up the stairs, and as they reached the top, they had to tiptoe, trying hard not to giggle too loud to be heard.

Okay. Mac fest 2,000.

It was christmas! Now she and Taylor were both in the spirit of giving....big fat wet kisses.

Mercy thought to herself.

How on earth did I get mixed up with this boy?

She ran her fingers through his hair.

They paused for a moment and he closed his eyes.


She whispered to him.

Still keeping his eyes shut he whispered back to her.


"Don't go to sleep."

"Mmm mmm."



She kept running her fingers through his hair.

"You big weirdo."

She hugged him, keeping her fingers in his hair.

"WOAH! You got his shirt off! Go mey!"

Isaac and Dorin had swung open the door and stood in it giggling.

They were almost as bad as Jessica and avery.

"Oh leave you two already!"

Taylor kept his eyes closed, for lack of a better way out.

"Tisk tisk tisk, you two."

"Oh shut up."

She giggled and curled up in Taylor's lap.

He put his arms around her.

"Awwww! How sweet!"

Taylor tried not to smile, but couldn't help it, although keeping his eyes tightly shut.

"Leave already!"

The two stood in the door, acting out the scene they beheld.



"I Love you Ikey poo!"

"I Love you more dorin babe!"

They flipped their hair around and backed out of the room, closing the door behind them.


Dorin had yelled it about 50 times up the stairs.

Getting pissed now, he walked up the stairs, Isaac close behind.

They flung open the door.

Mercy lay under the covers, curled up nex to taylor.

"They better not be naked."

"Well she has at least a shirt on!"

"He doesn't..."

"Does he have pants on?"


Isaac shrugged.


Dorin walked to Mercy, pulling the covers back.

"Nope, still fully dressed."

"She's not wearing a smile."


"You never fully dressed without a smile!"

"Uh, kay ike."

Dorin rocked mercy.


He whispered.

"Dude, door, why are you whispering?"

Dorin shrugged.

He rocked her again.

SHe stirred.

"Mey, come on, we gotta go home."

She crawled out of bed.

Rubbing her eyes she was ushered downstairs and out to the car.

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