Chapter twenty nine

"Moring Mey."

Mercy's favorite new place to sit in the morning was the stairs. She bundled up there, her coffee next to her and her book in hand.

Looking up, and clearing her throat.

"Morning Jem."

Continuing down the steps, Jeremy headed to the living room.

School started in two days. Two whole days left of summer vacation.


It was now almost ten in the morning. Mercy's brothers had been known to sleep in as late as noon, but usually didn't. 11 was good enough.

Going back to her novel, she picked up her coffee and took a sip. Being far to involved to hear Zac walk up behind her.

"What do you say we go do something fun?"

She looked at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we haven't gone anywhere fun for the longest time. I'm just bored."

She smiled.

Putting forth an effort to think hard, she turned back to him.

"Want to go out to lunch?"

"Then a movie?"

"What is with you and movies lately!"

She tapped him on the knee.


She smiled at him.

He stood up, walking down the stairs, and allowing his socked feet to slip around.

"Hey Tay!"

Zac ran from his side of the room, throwing himself on Taylor's bed, forcing his older brother to sit up to get the weight off his legs.

"What the hell.....Zac!"

"Good morning Suzy Sunshine! Wake up honey!"

Zac stood, bouncing his, soon to be 14 year old self around the bed. Well, 2 months til he was 14.

"Get off man, I'm awake!"

Zac sat.

"What do you want with me now?"

"Lets go to the movies. Just you and me. Okay? Good plan isn't it."

Taylor frowned at his brother. Why on earth?

"Zac, I have a lot to get done today."

"I know. But not too much. We never go to the movies anymore!"

Taylor laid back down, rolling onto his side, he sighed.

"Zac, I'll think about it."

A thought to Zac was good enough. He didn't want to let D down.

Running from the room, he clapped, letting a quick giggle escape his lungs.

"Han! What did he say?"

The first words out of Zac Dentra's mouth made Zac laugh."

"Leave me alone!"

They laughed.

Roller blades on one and a skateboard with the other, in the middle of the street cracking up. A car came, causing the two to have to hurridly move from the road.

"What'd she say?"


They broke out again.

"Where to now?"

They posed in thought.

"I got 20 bucks."

"D man! That sucks!"

"Okay, how much do YOU have!"

"uh.....he he he he.....ten..."

"Sheesh! We're rich!"

Pushing off with one foot, Zac Hanson lead the way to the short shopping mall blocks from where they stood.

"Zac, this movie is going to be way boring dude."

Zac smiled to himself.

Silently picturing himself, as a rope, and his arms a pulley, slowly, carefully, catching his sister and pulling her into the trap, until she was cow?

"Zac, what's that look on your face for?"

He giggled, pulling her by the hand to the ticket counter.


"Two tickets for the late show please."

Zac stood, one eyebrow raised, making hacking noises and rubbing his hands together. Mercy was strangely curious.


"Don't speak....just come with me."

Frowning to the ticket taker as she walked by she shrugged.

"Zac! This movie is like....dumb!"

"It's a classic Taylor. Supposed to be very interesting."

"Good will hunting?"

"Isaac said he and angie thought it sucked."

"No no no no, Tay man, it WON'T suck! I promise! If it sucked, why would it be back in theatres?"

Shaking his head as his way too eager younger brother, taylor followed behind, unwillingly however.

"Can this kid pass as 11?"

The girl behind the counter smiled.

"Sorry, don't think so."

"It was worth a try. Two for the show please."

Zac grinned.

How unsuspecting could Taylor be!

Dragging his brother by the hand into the theatre, he heard giggles.

Turning around to notice a group of girls pointing at his brother.

"Awww look tay, they like you!"

Allowing Taylor only a mini second to see what he was talking about, he continued his trek to the screen.

"Right here Mey."

Zac quickly ducked into an aisle far to the front.

He knew they wouldn't touch eachother. But he also knew that Mercy wouldn't want to sit in front of someone that WAS smooching.

"Zac you are acting really we.."

"SSSSHHHH! Don't speak! Just sit!"

She obeyed.

"Now, I'm going to get food. Stay here."

Zac walked down the aisle, pushing open the door and stepping back into the crowded lobby.

"Taylor....this looks like a good aisle."

Taylor had followed his brother all this way, not knowing exactly how to take it.

They had looked, and this one was the most empty, aside from some girl sitting at the other end.

Zac grinned. It was working so great! Go D go!!!

"Stay here....I want popcorn...can I have some cash?"

Taylor shook his head, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a 10.

"Get me something to drink."

Zac ran up the aisle, barely missing a man.


Near by spectators must have been strangely amused. The two blond kids embracing in some akward hug in the lobby of the movie theatre struck them as funny. A few laughed.

"They are in the exact same row! We are ssssooooooo good!"

Raising their hands in a high five, the laughed again.

"Okay. Now, we buy our popcorn, and then walk in. I say 'Mey! look who I found buying popcorn! Taylor's here too!"

"Yeah.....then we make him sit next to her, and we move one row back."

They giggled in anticipation.

Another high five and they stepped to the counter.

"What can I get for you boys?"

Her grin was wide enough to tell them she had seen their little show.

"Uh....I want some gummi worms, and two Dr. Peppers."

The girl retrieved them, taking the money and moving on to Zac hanson.

While she got his popcorn and drinks, D turned to him.

"Okay, I'm going to go in and tell her that you guys are here, and when you get in, move taylor's butt over to where we are sitting."

They smiled in unison, walking away from the counter and heading down the aisles.

"And I spose you want them to sit with us."

Zac grinned.

"Of course mey! They are our friends."

She raised one eyebrow.

Just then the two hanson's walked up, Taylor rather irritated at the fact, that, one, he had to see good will hunting, and two, Mercy was there.

Mercy rolled her eyes, although it wasn't visible in the dark.

"Good afternoon Mercy."

"Hello Taylor."

He sat down next to Zac.

"Don't sit there! D is sitting there!"

Taylor shook his head and moved over one seat.

"Do you have to sit next to me?"

He stuck his tongue out at her.

"That was attractive."

"Of course it was, it came from me, therefore, attractive."

She curled up her lip.


The two Zac's giggled.

The lights dimmed, and the previews began.

Zac didn't know what it was about coke at a movie theatre, but it always made him have to go to the bathroom, and it almost always made him cold.

He shivered.

For some strange reason, not completely obvious, Zac hoped the same effect was working on his sister.

Did I ever ask him for a drink? I didn't think so. Mercy sat in her chair, just now feeling her feet get cold and her arms grow with goose bumps.

Little dork, and I didn't even bring a jacket.

She shivered.

They weren't even half way done with the movie yet!

"You cold or somethin'?"

"Yeah Taylor, or somethin'"

He shrugged.

What a dork. He wasn't cold. How come he wasn't cold? He should be cold!

She leaned towards him.

aaaaahhhhh body heat. Just don't notice you big brute.

"What are you doing?"

Damnit! You noticed. Just let me say 'your body heat dork' and leave me alone.

"Your body heat dork, that's what I'm getting out of this."

"You shoulda brought a jacket."

No shit!

He went back to watching the movie.

Damnit! I'm still cold. My poor little feet!

She edged closer. Some where she heard if you could warm up one part of your body, the rest would sort of follow.

Don't notice this one either.

Shoving her away, he smiled.

"Poor Mey is coooolllddd."

She scowled.

Pulling herself up again, she sat straight.

"Look! It's working!"

"She's just cold. See...He pushed her away."

"Damnit! No, it will work, I just know it."

Damn! I wish she didn't sit there like that. She was warm! I shouldn't ever have asked for that drink.

Mercy watched the perplexed look on Taylor's face. Just what was he thinking?

"What are you staring at?"


She turned around again.

Subconsciously, Taylor leaned over.

Wowwwww. boddddyyyyy heat. Now he knew where she was coming from.

"What are you doing?"


He sat back up.

Damnit! I have my jacket on and I'm STILL cold!

Shivering, Taylor leaned over once more.

Shhh mercy don't say anything...I know your cold to....just be quiet and let me be warm.

"Hello! What are you doing!"

"Body heat! Your warm! I'm not!"

She pushed him away.

"Doesn't he realize that if he lets her get closer, and she lets him get closer, they'll both be warm?"

They giggled as quietly as the could.

They weren't even watching the movie.

"Look at her! She just pushed him away!"

The movie was nearing an end.

The two Zac's had found it intriugingly boring, and had somehow forgotten to check on their specimens.

When the movie finally ended, Zac hanson looked foreward to his brother.

"D! Look!"

Mercy had her head lightly resting on taylor's shoulder, and was turned toward him.

"She must be really cold!"

They giggled.

They watched Mercy reach up and shove Taylor's long hair out of her face.

"This is so funny!"

They squeaked and giggled, having to squeeze their hands over their mouths because of volume.

"Aren't the cuuuuutttteeee!"

The two giggled it in unison.

Chapter 30
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