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Alright, incase you haven't heard, I've decided to quit writing hanfic. A series of events has brought me to this conclusion. So, ciao, and I hope you guys enjoyed what I already wrote.

Nothin but the below...most people read it before IDHSTC...but hey...dare to be different. Again...IDHSTC and NBTB are NOT related. *smile*

I'd like to give a real real real big thankyou to clarity for the banner...idn't it purty!

And *this* banner is thanks to Marisa..she made me another one too...and it's goin' on the actual page...*grin* Wee! this is so much fun....

Here's all the email and counter and guest book stuff too kay?

Kay...the counter thingy is all fixed. never mind the counter.

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

Story related mail.


All other mail.


Hey y' here! This is an updates list right here!!!