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Estrogen St. Louis

This page is being merged with my other page, Elegant Discourse. So there. Soon there won't be much here.

Janet's Riot Grrl Midwest e-mail list is going strong. Find out what others are doing! Subscribe today!

Coming Out of Hiding airs from 7 - 8:30 p.m. (-600 GMT) every Tuesday evening. They feature music, news, interviews and commentary from a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and straight-ally (they like to call it the Lavender Community) perspective on KDHX St. Louis (FM 88.1).

Also check out Gay St. Louis @

Submitted Links

You can submit your band, label, zine, or other info by e-mailing or add a link immediately by clicking here to add your info and read about others' info!
Send us your info and we'll include it! Recording info, new releases, tour dates, whatever!

This St. Louis Area Local Music Ring site owned by Estrogen St. Louis.
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