David's Homepage. Please Click on the link to my NEW and IMPROVED homepage @ Fortune City.

North Melbourne Will be Premiers in 1998!!!!! and Click Here to enter my cool site


I have a NEW!! Homepage @ http://meltingpot.fortunecity.com/thurlow/56/index.html or you can just click here to go there. Please remember that becuase I now have this new homepage, this site will NEVER be updated. So I suggest that you change your bookmark. Thank you and i hope you love my NEW Site.

19/9/98: The "North Melbourne" page has been updated. It now has the NEW game report, the NEW quarter by quarter scores and the NEW North Melbourne News.

17/9/98: Updated the "North Melbourne" page heaps. This was the only page I updated today. I added an "AFL Ladder" page, a scores table and some more info. I will be having 3 new awards coming. They will be for: Best North Melbourne page, Best Product and best page. If you think that you are worthy of these awards give me an e-mail with your address and i'll have a look.

15/9/98: The "Codes" page is GONE!. I have decided that it wasn't needed and no one went to it so, why bother!. I also now have a lot more time to dedicate to my other pages so they should all be looking different. Joined the "North Melbourne WebRing". Updated every page in one way or another.

14/9/98: Finished the "All-Star Baseball 99" game review. This "Game Review" page is getting a bit big so I am going to make another one, but it won't be up for a bit so just be patient.

This site is copyright by its author. If you would like to use the information, links, text etc. on this page give me an E-mail and i'll see what i can do or just give me credit and a link to my page.

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This site was last updated on the 23/9/98 at 6:29 pm AEST, By David Gibbs

people have visited my site.

Copyright © 1998 David Gibbs

Email: bluespine2@hotmail.com