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Welcome to Crazy 4 Clint 'n' Bob!



Click here to vote for my site. Just scroll down till you see Crazy 4 Clint 'N' Bob and then click Rate It. Thanks! Click here to vote for Bob as the Best Drummer! Click here to vote for The Moffatts as best band. The current results are Hanson is in first place! Click here to vote for your favorite bands.


Please take my button and add it to your page! Just make a link to it and we're all set!

I had to get a new one so please sign. I'm really sorry for the total lack in updates! It's a long story but to keep it short and sweet, I was really busy and had no time online! Today is the first time in a while. Now that I acutally have time to come online, I promise there will be more updates. I am also in the process of making a new webpage so come back for the link to that!

got that? good - i'm with rmh get your grubby mits off my work - i'm with rmh

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