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Emm's TITANIC and Movie page!!!

This Titanic Luvers site owned by
emm alexander.

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This Official Ring of Titanic Lovers site is owned by
emm alexander.

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Hi everybody!!!!!!!! This is my new TITANIC webpage!!!!!!!!!! I hope that you like it!!!! My page will contain a summary, tons of pictures, the cast of TITANIC, a quiz, and much more!!!!!
- Help Take Place In My TITANIC Character Poll!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
Who is your favorite Character in TITANIC?

Rose DeWitt Bukater
Caledon Hockley
Old Rose
Jack Dawson

Current Results

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Isn't this little froggy soooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  Jane's REAL Titanic Ring

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VP Webring for Titanic Lovers

This VP Webring for Titanic Lovers site is
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emm alexander.

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This Empire Records Web Ring site is owned by:
emm alexander

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Empire Records Web Ring?

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Sorry.:>( I like webrings! Newayz, another GREAT Movie besides TITANIC is .......EMPIRE RECORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is a terrific movie! Liv Tyler is in it and a very cute but not well known Brendan Sexton(OHHHHHHHH) is in it! Rent it to-nite, you'll love it!

Lotsa' Links!!!!!!!!!!

My Other Just TITANIC Page!!!!!!!!
My Stuff Page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Official TITANIC Site!!!!!!!!!!
My Good Friend Sare's Page!!!!!!!!!
The TITANIC Desktop Wallpaper Page!
Welcome to TwinkTanic!
Le Coeur de la Mer
Titanic: Collide with Destiny
PLEASE SIGN MY DREAMBOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Cyberpet Page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
