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The Church is a gathering of people who have experienced Christ as the risen Lord. This is necessary since our faith and experience become distorted the more private we make them. It is as well a continuing Incarnation of God, as Christ’s presence in the world today, empowered by the Holy Spirit. The church is made up of individuals who know full well the forces of sin and its power in their lives but have seen God’s salvation in the resurrection of Christ.

The Church is a home of grace, the only place established where the only condition is that you are not worthy of becoming a member, a home for all, a home for new life as evidenced by Christ’s resurrection. Through worship we are able to remember the acts of God, know the Trinity, and thus be empowered and transformed.


Christians see the New Testament as fulfillment of the Old Testament since Jesus and his life were prophesized in this book. Prayer is used to address God through Jesus and calls on the Holy Spirit to work through prayer. It may be either private or public. Giving to the needy, the Church, and the poor are seen as Christian duty.

Sacrament is a fundamental practice of Christianity. It is defined as an outward and visible sign of an inward spiritual grace (Flower). God is made apparent to the world through the sacraments which include the following: