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Arts and Literature

    All my close friends know that I phase in and out of the many hobbies I have. Here is a collection of the stuff I did, as well as the talents of others. 
    I have always liked arts and crafts, while others may buy presents, I like to make things- I just feel they are more from the heart, not from the wallet. Here resides my photos and drawings.

(I just found out angelfire took down my page, leaving me gawking and very upset. All my picture files are gone as my only copy of them were on the net!! I have spent the whole day trying to remake my page, which is not as good as the original =( I will try to replace those that were erased and add more.)


Visual Art

    People may remember that I was once a English major. Poems were what I started writing before I tried stories. The problem with them is that I am the only one that understands them, the stories are always incomplete- I run out of ideas!


I think everyone likes music, may it be classical, rap or opera (God forbid!). I am very interested in instruments and would like to learn to play all- that is if I had the time!