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My Crappy Homepage

Hey, You must be bored comeing is way pointless, cause i have nothing to say, except enjoy these cool Web Pages.....and e-mail me with ideas....and thanks for visiting my crusty web page.

(My name is Carrie, and I love Horror movies. My fav all time horror movie is Scream. I'm female, if you couldn't tell by the name...thats all I can think of.)



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Poems but not by me

More poetry, but still not by me


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My Crusty Old Webpage

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Scream Page

Horror Movie Stuff

Scream Pics

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Scream2 Pics

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The Blair Witch Project Site.

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Hello again people...I'm just here to say that if there is a black box underneath this writing, you gotta click your back botton to go to your last page, then click your forward botton to see this pickture. sorry, but I got no idea why this picture does that, if you know please email me!! Thanx!

The Blair Witch Project
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