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The Story of Bancroft's CH BLUE

The Dog Behind Schoolteacher's GR CH SHEP

Many breeders always try to breed better dogs than both parents, after all, if you don't try to improve with each generation, your dogs and your success will fall by the wayside. BLUE has quite a pedigree and to elaborate on it seems appropriate.

BLUE's father, Busdrivers' CH TY, was a good dog with average bite and good wrestling ability. His gameness was proved in his last match against Carter's STARE, I believe a product of Mason's CH HOG, in 1:57. His other two fights were not very tough, especially his second when he was conditioned and handled by the late Bert Clouse. TY's sire was Jackson's AMOS MOSES, a littermate to Carver's DIAMOND, and I believe a two time winner. TY's dam was Henneke's COWGIRL, who also produced a two time winner called STOMPASON.

BLUE's dam, my RED DARLING bitch, was never matched due to the fact she lost all her teeth in a game test. RED DARLING's sire was the two time winner Jackson's TOAD, a littermate to Bancroft's CH SPADE, double bred off Walling's BULLYSON. RED DARLING had three littermates make it to the pit, the best of which was Petrie's BUDDHA. RED DARLING's dam was my KNUCKLES bitch, she was by Carver's DIAMOND out of Tonn's CH MISS J. MISS J was out of AMOS MOSES.

BLUE being out of the first litter I ever bred and raised, is special to me. He was named BLUE because he had blue eyes as a pup, they later turned gold. He is definitely a product of selective breeding. He has more talent and bite than either parent and is as game as either. Imagine a Champion in the first try at breeding!

His first match was into a dog from the east called DARTH VADAR at 49 pounds. It was the first time out for each and VADAR stood the line for his third at 0:50.

The second was into a dog from the Wilder bloodline, named 3-TOOTH, and he was also a one time winner. This time it was at 50 pounds. BLUE was getting the old ride the head treatment at the start and was having trouble getting in. By 0:20 BLUE finally drove him into a corner and went into the chest which let the air out of 3-TOOTH's balloon. 3-TOOTH stood the line his second time up.

BLUE's third was against a dog named APOLLO, who had previously beat a good dog from the Midwest. Again at 50 pounds. From the start it was easy to see that APOLLO had the skill and finesse to ride the head and he had the bite to go along. When BLUE could not get in for the first hour, I knew we were in for a long one. The pace was very fast for big dogs, BLUE would hurt APOLLO in flurries, but it was clear that APOLLO was in great shape and was such an athlete that he would dominate the action. By 1:30 BLUE was the down dog and was being drug around. I knew I was in trouble now and just prayed to get a handle to get BLUE up. With every handle and scratch BLUE went hard and straight, even though he got the worst of it when he got there. At 1:45 APOLLO's handler fouled but the referee only warned him. After a couple more APOLLO seemed to be losing interest and got busted in the corner on BLUE's scratch. Finally at 2:11 APOLLO came half way across and then went to a neutral corner. BLUE ran a courtesy scratch and then went home a Champion!

written by the late Bill Bancroft
reprinted from Pit World, July/August 1987 - All Rights Reserved

                                             P. Carver's BLACK SHINE
                                   Carver's MONKEY
                                             Carver's BLACK MISSY
                         Jackson's AMOS MOSES
                                             Carver's PISTOL
                                   Art's MISSY
                                             Carver's MISS SPIKE
                    Busdrivers' CH TY
                                             P. Carver's BLACK SHINE
                                   Carver's MONKEY
                                             Carver's BLACK MISSY
                         Henneke's COWGIRL
                                             Mayfield's NIGGER ROM
                                   Jackson's RED MAMA
                                             Jackson's CRACKER
          Bancroft's CH BLUE
                                             Walling's BULLYSON
                                   Hall/Long's CH STOMPER
                                             Long's TUFFY
                         Jackson's TOAD
                                             Walling's BULLYSON
                                   J. Carver's STORMY
                                             Carver's MENDENCINO
                    Bancroft's RED DARLING
                                             Carver's MONKEY
                                   Carver's DIAMOND
                                             Art's MISSY
                         Bancroft's KNUCKLES
                                             Jackson's AMOS MOSES
                                   Tonn's CH MISS J
                                             Jackson's CRACKER

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