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Sinead's Page

Full Name: Sinead Maria O'Carroll

Nick Names: Socky, Shenanigans, and Skinhead

Born on May 14th 1978 in Dublin Ireland

She has 1 brother names Paul and 2 sisters named Elaine and Ailish

She has hidden talent for massaging

plays: bass guitar and piano

Fav. TV show: The EastEnders

fav. Movie: Con Air

Her hero: Mother Theresa

Fav. Color: Black

She has a tattoo on her neck that isn't real

Sum her up in 5 words: earthy, sensible, sophisticated, ambtious, and grouned

Motto: "What comes around goes around (so be nice)"

Quick backround: I'm 20 and live in Kildare, an hour outside of Dublin. I have one brother and two sisters. I studied dance at the same school as Keavy, Edele, and Lindsay. One day I walked into the garage where KEavy was working adn we got chatting. We realized we had the same interests, so we met up and just went into the studio, and everything went from there. That was two years and two or three months ago. We would train 30 to 34 hours a week and a TV station was doing a documentary on the dance center where we met and heard us rehearsing. They asked us to appear on the show, and they came over to see us and liked us. One thing led to another and that's how we met our manage. And seven months later, they bought us to our record company. I believe in fate. I was just getting my mom's car fixed and look what happen.

When knew she wanted to be a singer: I wanted to perform since I was 8 year old. I just knew I was going to do something in the business. I studied drama too and was in a number of shows, but what I love about being a singer is it allows me to be myself.

If could cast a magical spell on worl d it would be: To stop poverty in the world, for everyone to have food and water.

If she was a witch what would she use her magical powers for: No winter

Thanks to The Unofficial B*witched Site for pic