The President takes a lot of shit for taking vacations to Camp David, or his ranch in Crawford, Texas.. According to the people who say that the Bush Administration isn’t doing enough to combat terrorism while simultaneously making the claim that the Patriot Act is a violation of a terrorists’ civil rights, the President is spending far too much time at his ranch, when he should be in Washington D.C. I’ve often heard the Democrats say: “Let’s send the President back to his ranch in Crawford, Texas!” followed by a loud applause… but there is rarely any cheering coming from the left when he’s actually there.. Democrats wholly disapprove of Bush’s policies, yet would much rather see him striving to put those policies into effect on a daily basis than have him out of their sight for weeks at a time.. It seems to me that if the Democrats truly hate Bush as much as they tell us they do, then they should be encouraging him to take longer vacations.. While you’re trying to figure that one out, let me state factually that as of August 2003, Bush had spent 27% of his presidency on vacation.. This is really upsetting to me, because I’m worried that while the President is relaxing at Camp David, something bad might happen, like some Saudi Arabian terrorists might hi-jack some jet planes and use them as guided missiles to target skyscrapers in densely populated areas, or African rebels might start slaughtering villagers, and where will the President be..? Laying back in his hammock, sipping a pina colada, and reading his MAD magazine… with the ringer on his telephone turned off.. We can’t wait for the President to finish his vacation to address these problems.. He needs to be in the Oval Office by the telephone surrounded by his advisers, because that’s what the American people elected Al Gore to do.. Not to mention that you can’t approve federal funds to aide disastrous wild fires in California while you’re watching football at your estate in Kennebunkport, Maine.. What a jerk.. I could point out that President Clinton spent more time out of this country and took more foreign trips than any president in the history of America… but I would only be making a fuss about an irrelevant issue..