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VITAE-Link : Vampire Banner Exchange NetworkVITAE-Link : Vampire Banner Exchange
VITAE-Link : Vampire Banner Exchange Network

Thoughts on Vampirology

One of my many passions in life is the study of vampirism...or...vampirology if you will. Equally fascination is biology--the study of life. On the web, there are many fascinating articles on real vampirism. An excellent source for such articles can be found at Amy Krieytaz's article list. These articles contain many valuable theories, explanations, tips, and training for various types of vampiric people. Though my personal beliefs on vampirism can be most closely reflected in Amy's Tentetive conclusions article, I have noticed that very few of the articles online offer much strictly biological informaion. That is not necessarily a bad thing...the world is often so much more than the limitations created by standard scientific beliefs. The purpose of this area of web is not to disprove vampirism by any means, but to present some information that MAY OR MAY NOT be connected to the many problems that vampires experience. I do not necessarily agree with these hypothesis, but I do believe they contain possibility worth exploring. I am no scientist. The information presented comes mostly from text books and scientific journals. Any questions, comments, corrections, or insights will be welcome on the Message Board. For a well maintained, up-to-date listing of Real Vampire message boards, see Amy's Vampire Message Board list.

Vampirebiology Articles

Overlook- A generalized description of how the Online Vampire Community defines their existance.
MitochondriaEve theory- A possible explanation of why vampires need pranic energy, and how the are able to take it.
Reversed Circadian Rhythmns- A possibe explanation as to why vampiric people tend to be nocturnal, also helps explain increased sexual appetite and tendency towards depression.
References- Research and resource references.

As my research continues, I hope to continually revise these articles, and add to the article list. If there is a specific subject you would like to see, let me know!
