Temple Square Salt Lake City (1912)

A free information packet mailed to all who finish reading the 9 pages of this website.

The Seeress Xorol R. Oliver and Kosmonic Science

Dear Seeker of Truth,

AROUND THE YEAR 1890 a Mormon woman was born by the name of Xorol ("ksor-rawl") Robinson. She was a descendant of Dr. Willard Richards, one of the original Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; commonly known as "The Mormon Church". Xorol was a "Seeress"; otherwise known as a Medium, or a Clairvoyant, or a a "Psychic" or a "Spiritual Sensitive". She had many visions of the Spirit-World. She made prophecies. In 1930, she fortold the rise of Hitler and that he would cause the death of millions of souls, and that he would be defeated in the end and take of his own life. She fortold the collapse of the Stock Market in 1929. She foretold the coming of space-flight and men landing on the Moon, Mars, and other planets. In the 1920s she moved from Salt Lake City Utah to Alameda, California. There, she began to give lectures in nearby Berkeley on what she called "Kosmonic Science" which she claimed was the universal science of the Cosmos. Some of these lectures were recorded by a stenographer. She married a man named Oliver, so she became Xorol R. Oliver. She invented electralysis; the art of getting rid of unwanted facial hair on women via electricity. She was not active in the LDS Church after her teenage years. About 1930 she became a Baha'i. Baha'is (baw-highzz) are followers of Baha'u'llah (baw-haw-Oh-LAW), a Persian nobleman born in Iran in 1817, and died in Palestine in 1892. Baha'u'llah claimed to be the Holy Ghost Incarnate. In the days of Xorol Oliver, Mormons believed that that Holy Ghost was still a Spirit-Man, and did not have a body, but He would "one day" be born of a woman, and perform some great holy mission on Earth, and then die and be resurrected as Jesus was. Mormons still await that "Day". Baha'is believe that "Day" has come and gone in the Person of Baha'u'llah (baw-haw-Oh-LAW). In Arabic, the name Baha'u'llah means "The Glory of God".

Xorol R. Oliver (c. 1920)

Even as a Baha'i (baw-HIGH), Xorol (ksor-rawl), continued to deliver her Lectures on Kosmonic Science in an around Berkeley. She claimed to receive such information from the Spirit-World. She taught the following doctrines as part of her "Kosmonic Science":

*God is the Universal Mind of the Cosmos

*God has incarnated as this planet as Krishna, Buddha, and others we do not have the names of.

*Jesus is the Lamb of God, with seven eyes and seven horms, which means that the Christ-Spirit, or WORD of God, will incarnate on this planet a total of seven times, as seven different Men, all with seven different names, and these Men have included Adam, and Melchizedek, and an Egyptian Pharoah.

*Adam was not the first human being, but the first of a new race of men, the Adamic Race, the race of men that have beards.

*Adam came to this planet as an angelic being, and he desired to become mortal, so he ate material fruit, which caused the spirit in his veins to turn to blood, and he became mortal. He married Lillith, and they had sons and daughters, and began the Adamic race.

*All the souls of the Adamites are merely "copies" of the Soul of Adam, and anything that Adam does not only affects his soul but all the souls of the Adamites, since our souls are merely copies of his soul.

*There are races on earth today who do not have any Adamic Blood in them, such as the pure-blooded Aboriginals of Australia

*Adam once incarnated as an Egyptian pharoah who married his own granddaughter, and this is the meaning that Eve was taken from one of Adam's rib, by rib is meant the male organ, in other words, Eve was of the seed of Adam.

(Note: Xorol is no doubt referring to Pharoah Ahyeh, the father of Nefertiti, and the father-in-law of Pharoah Amenhotep III, who changed his name to Akhenaten after beging converted to Aten-worship by his father-in-law Ahyeh. After the death of Ankhenaten, Neferiti, and TutenAmun, Ahyeh became pharoah and he married his granddaughter Khiyah. They dwelt in the Garden of Aten, which Ahkehaten had built along a canal next to the Nile south of the City of Aten, in what is now Tell Amarna, Egypt. It was Ahyeh who taught Ankhenaten about the One God (Aten). The Garden of Aten included many fruit trees, an evaporation pond, and a "Tree of Life" in the center. The Egyptian name "Khiyah" is very close to the Hebrew name for Eve which is "Khivah". Why did Khiyah marry her grandfather? Because she desired "the Wisdom of the Gods" i.e. the Cobra- Serpent Crown by which the pharoahs and their queens ruled.)
*The Forbidden fruit was not an apple nor a fig but forbidden sexual relations.

*The Original Sin was a sexual sin committed by Adam when he had incarnated as an Egyptian pharoah, the sin of incest, and the souls of the Adamites "died" in the Spirit-World because of this sin, because their souls are copies of Adam's soul.

*Adam returned as Jesus of Nazareth, in part to pay for the Original Sin by dying on the Cross, to reverse the effects of the Original Sin, so that that souls of the Adamites may be resurrected in the Spirit-World.

*The Spirit-World is divided into seven dimensions of "planes" and what plane we go to at death is determined by our "soul-tone".

*Every soul has a "tone". Demonic people have a soul-tone of "one" and the most spiritual people, the Mahatmas, have a soul-tone of seven.

*Only certain select souls reincarnation on this planet, the Mahatmas.

*Human souls do not reincarnate on this planet, but have one mortal probation (life) per material planet, and all human souls on this planet have lived mortal lives on two other planets before this one.

[Note: Xorol referred to one-incarnation-per-material-planet for human souls as "Consecutive Incarnation". According to modern astronomers, the Sun was smaller and weaker billions of years ago, and Venus was in the Zone of Habitation where the Earth is today, and once had oceans and, presumably, life. Billions of years from now, Mars will be in the "Zone" and Earth will be too hot for life.]

*The Day of Judgment refers to our next mortal life on a material planet where we shall be rewarded and punished for the deeds in the flesh during our current life.

*The resurrection of the dead does not occur in the physical realm, but in the Spirit-World.

*Jesus did not arise in his physical body, which was removed from the tomb by two Essenes, but He arose in His Astral Body which could only be seen in visions.

(Note: According to the ancient Gospel of Peter two "men in white" removed the body of Jesus from the tomb hours before Mary Magdalene arrived to find the tomb empty. What was done with Jesus' physical body is not recorded in the Gospel of Peter. Many early Christians considered the Gospel of Peter to be genuine.)
*The Astral Body is a body of an angel, and this body can materialize and appear as a physical body and it can eat and appear solid but it has heavenly abilities as well, and the Mahatmas can manifest Astral Bodies at will after death.

*Joseph Smith was a true Seer but "fell" because of sexual sin, and all his revelations after his fall were his own imagination.

(Note: Some Mormon historians and many intellectual Mormons have come to the same conclusion after examining the life of Joseph Smith. David Whitmer, Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdery, and Sidney Rigdon, all left the Church, conclusing that Joseph Smith had become a "fallen prophet" because of sexual sin; which the Lord warned Joseph about in D&C section 3 verses 3 through 9 that if Joseph "boasted of his own strength" and "set at naught the counsels of God to fulfill his own lusts" he would "fall". Joseph Smith's post-Fall revelations included a "portion" translation of the Kinderhook Plates, the translation of The Book of Abraham, and his Nauvoo discourses including the King Follett Discourse, etc.)
*Negroes are not the children of Cain , but they belong to an ancient pre-Adamic race. They are Adamites if they have European or Egyptian blood in them.
(Note: From 1848 until 1978 the LDS Church taught, as official Church Doctrine, that "Negroes" are the cursed children of Cain, and their black skin the "sign" of the Curse of Cain. This "Curse of Cain Doctrine" was not repudiated until December of 2013 with the Church's statement on "Race and Priesthood" published under "Topics" at LDS.org. Many young Mormons are being told by their Seminary Teachers that the reason why blacks were banned from LDS temples and priesthood is because "white members of the Church were not ready for it". In truth, blacks were banned because of the Curse of Cain Doctrine which was an "official" Church doctrine from 1848 until 1978, but never repudiated until December of 2013. Most older Mormons, who were raised to belive in "The Curse of Cain Doctrine" are not aware that the Church has repudiated it via the "Race and Priesthood Statement" on LDS.org under "Topics".]
*The true Mormon Seers after Joseph Smith were Joseph Morris and George Williams.

(Note: The revelations of Joseph Morris are contained in the book The Spirit Prevails and the Revelations of George Williams (a.k.a. "The Prophet Cainan") contained his writings.

*The Book of Mormon is not literal history, but a parable written by a group of monks in Pennsylvania. The Nephites are a symbol of the white race in America, who shall be utterly destroyed by the dark races, symbolized by the Lamanites in the Book of Mormon, 400 years after the Word of God visits America.

[Note: Xorol believed that the 6th Incarnation of the WORD of God visited America, including Salt Lake City, in 1912. If you add 1912 to 400 years it comes to 2312 A.D. when the white race in America, by that time a small minority of the population, will be annihilated by the dark skinned races. In other words, according to Xorol, The Book of Mormon was written as a prophetic parable and warning to the white race in America, symbolized by the "Nephites".

By the "monks of Pennsylvania" she is probably referring to the Zionitic Brotherhood, a group of Rosicrucian monks in Ehphrata, Pennsylvania, who fled Europe in the 1600s and came to America with the goal of establishing the City of New Jerusalem on the continent. Peter Whitmer, father of David Whitmer, a Book of Mormon Witness, had at one time been a member of the Zionitic Brotherhood. The Book of Mormon was translated on Peter Whitmer's farm in Harmony, Penn., and the LDS Church was founded on another Peter Whitmer farm in Farmington, New York. The Ziontic Brotherhood, founded in the mid 1600s, claimed to possess the Melchizedek Priesthood. They also baptized for the dead. They had a round wooden "temple" on Zion Hill near Ephrata, Pennsylvania] The Zionitic Brotherhood included nuns as well. Female members of the Brotherood wore veils when they prayed. They referred to Mary as "the mother of God" a term which was found in the original edition of The Book of Mormon, but changed by Joseph Smith in the 2nd edition to "the mother of the Son of God." Moroni, John the Baptist, and Peter, James, and John, were probably members of the Zionitic Brotherhood.

*Humans did evolve from lower forms of life, but this evolution was guided by the "Archtypes of Species" which where created by the WORD of God, and evolution did not come about by natural selection or random mutations.

*The words of Alan Kardec contain many revealed truths about the Spirit-World.

[Note: Alan Kardec was the founder of Spiritism--one of the most popular religions in Brazil]
*Spiritualism contains much truth mixed with error.

*Mankind will send men to the Moon, and to Mars, and to planets in other solar systems.

(Note: In 1961, shortly after President John F. Kennedy announed that America would land a man on the Moon before the decade was over, Joseph Fielding Smith, a Mormon apostle, declared at the Honolulu Stake Conference that mankind would "never land a man on the Moon" or any other world, and that his statement should be written down and taught to Seminary students. In 1969, American landed a man on the Moon. In 1970, Joseph Fielding Smith became the President of the Church.)
*Scientists will one day discover unlimited energy from water.
[note: she is probably referring to the use of hydrogen being separated from water by means of nuclear fussion]
*The Kingdom of Heaven are literal planets in the Galactic Core, and the Kingdom of Hell are literal planets in the Galactic Arms.

(Note: the Galactic Core contains two-thirds of the stars in the Milky Way, and the Galactic Arms contain one-third of the stars--the stars in the Galactic Arms were literally "cast out" of the Galactic Core billions of years ago)

*Inverts (homosexuals) are male spirits in female bodies or female spirits in male bodies.

(Note: Xorol never addressed the question as to whether homosexuality was sinful or not sinful, in her recorded lectures)


Most Mormons today are completely aware of the extent of Joseph Smith's polygamy, or the problems with the Kinderhook Plates or The Book of Abraham, or the problems with the historacity of The Book of Mormon (i.e. DNA studies, ethnology, animals, linguistics, etc.).

Younger Mormons today are told nothing about Brigham's Adam-God Doctrine, or his Blood Atonement Doctrine, and very little about the Curse of Cain Doctrine which the Church taught, as official Church doctrine, from 1848 to 1978. Older Mormons were raised believing the Curse of Cain Doctrine, that Negroes were the cursed children of Cain, and a black skin was the "sign" of the Curse of Cain. Younger Mormons are told that the Church never taught the Curse of Cain Doctrine, and that it was merely "the speculations and folklore of some of the Members" (not true).

Mormons today are told nothing about the lives of Joseph Morris and George Williams; two Mormon Seers in the late 1800s who left books of Revelation.

Even Mormon historians are unaware of Xorol R. Oliver, since she never published her lectures in her lifetime, and her activities were confined to the San Francisco Bay Area and not Utah. It is hoped that this website will inform Mormons, and others, about the life and teachings of Xorol R. Oliver; a Seeress who was truly ahead of her time.


Most Bible scholars believe that some books in the Bible (which is not one book but a collection of books) are "parables"; such as The Book of Job (which is a poem), and The Book of Jonah. Only the most Fundamentalist Bible scholars believe that The Book of Jonah is literal history. Most believe it is fiction. But...is it "inspired" fiction?

Xorol did not believe that The Book of Mormon was literal history. She based her belief not on her personal opinion, but information she claimed to receive from the Spirit-World. Yet, she believed that The Book of Mormon was, nevertheless, "inspired of God". She called it a "prophetic parable about America". To her, the "Nephites" were a symbol of the white race in America, and the "Lamanites" were a symbol of the colored races in America. In The Book of Mormon, Jesus appears to the Nephites and dwells with them for three days. Four centuries after that, the Nephites become hopelessly correct, and the Lord allows the Lamanites to utterly destroy them, save a few souls. Xorol taught that the Lord Jesus, as "a thief in the night", with a new body and name, visited Salt Lake City in September 1912. She believed that four centuries after that visit, the white race in America, which will be a small minority of the population by that time, will be destroyed by the color races; for the same reason the Lord allowed the destruction of the Nephites in The Book of Mormon. Because....

*The Nephites became materialistic and wicked.

*The Nephites practiced whoredoms such as polygamy and concubinage.

*The Nephites rejected the Warners that were sent the warn them to repent, such as Samuel the Lamanite.

*The Nephites became too prideful.

Xorol believed that The Book of Mormon was specifically about America, and about how this land was given to the white Europeans, because of their faith, but would be taken from them, because these same white Europeans would become too materialistic, to prideful, lovers of Mammon, rejecters of the poor, and practice "abominations".

An American Indian named Walker came to Utah in the 1890s and tried to "warn" the Mormons to repent, but they rejected him, as the Nephites rejected Samuel the Lamanites.

In the future, the white race is America will become a small minority. Even now, more "colored" children are being born in America than white children. Like the Nephites, the whites will build walled cities, and become more and more lovers of wealth. They will become more and more practitioners of "abominations". They will become more and more "ripe" for destruction.

According to Xorol, Jesus came to Salt Lake City in September, 1912. About 400 years after Jesus visited the Nephites, they were destroyed by the Lamanites. If one adds 400 years to 1912, it comes to 2312 A.D. By that time, the white race will be small minority, like the Nephites in The Book of Mormon.


Because of "problems" with the historacity of The Book of Mormon, the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, founded by Joseph Smith III, now called "Community of Christ", has all-but-adandoned The Book of Mormon.

Many Mormon intellectuals are abandoning their belief in the historacity of The Book of Mormon based upon the lack of empiracal evidence (archaeology, ethnology, linguistics, etc.), and based on DNA studies that show that American Indians have no (zero) Semitic ancestry. American Indians cannot be the children of Lehi the Jew and Ishmael the Arab. Tens of thousands of Mormons are resigning from the Church every year when they discover that science is squarely against The Book of Mormon from being historical. Perhaps The Book of Mormon is a divinely-inspired parable after all, as Xorol claimed in the 1930s?


Xorol (ksor-rawl) taught her revelations to her cousin, LeGrand Richards, who became a Mormon Apostle. According to Xorol, LeGrand once told her:

"I believe what you are saying is true, but the Latter-day Saints will not be ready for these truths for a long, long time!"

Perhaps LeGrand was just trying to placate his cousin Xorol. We'll never know for sure. But we do know one thing for sure: the Latter-day Saints are still "not ready" for her Kosmonic Science! Mormons are taught from birth to follow "The Brethren" without question, and that is the only way they will receive earthly and heavenly rewards such as Exaltation. Most Mormons continue to follow The Brethren, whom they sustain twice a year as "Prophets, Seers, and Revelators" although they don't actually prophesy, see, or revelate.


Xorol believed that the WORD of God would incarnate seven times on this planet, which is the meaning of the Slain Lamb with Seven Eyes and Horns in the Book of Revelations. Jesus was the 4th of those 7 iuncarnations. She believed that the WORD of God came to Salt Lake City in September of 1912, and His photograph appeared in The Salt Lake Tribune.

In the Book of Revelations (Apocalyse) John has a vision of a Slain Lamb with seven eyes and seven horns. Christians don't know what the meaning is of the seven eyes and horns. Mormons do don't know either. Xorol Oliver claimed she knew--getting her information from the Spirit-World.

Christians believe that the WORD of God incarnated one time and one-time-only on Earth, as Jesus of Nazareth. Where does the Bible say that the WORD of God would only incarnate one time and one-time-only? It cannot be found. The Bible nowhere makes that claim. The Bible claims that the WORD of God became flesh as Jesus (John 1:1-2,14), but the Bible nowhere claims that Jesus of Nazareth will be the only incarnation of the WORD.

Xorol (ksor-rawl) believed that the WORD of God will incarnate upon this planet seven times: three times before Jesus, once as Jesus, and three times after Jesus. She claimed she received this information in her communications with the Spirit-World. She claimed that the 6th Incarnation of the WORD of God came to America in 1912, and visited Salt Lake City, Utah, for three days in late September of that year. A front-page article about this Man appeared in The Salt Lake Tribune on September 29th, 1912, titled "Prophet Of Peace Comes To Salt Lake City". A large photograph showed His Face. Xorol was only a teenager at the time, but she recognized His Face as that of the 6th Incarnation of the WORD of God.

This article, As A Thief in the Night, is in 9 short sections. It will reveal the Name and Face and Message of the 6th Incarnation of the WORD of God on this planet--the One Who came to Salt Lake City for three days in late September of that year. If you are a Seeker of Truth--keep reading.

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