The 144,000

A few of the world's 7 million+ Baha'is

In the Book of Revelations it says that John saw "144,000" in Heaven, with "the Father's Name" written on their foreheads.

What is the Father's Name? "Jesus"? Jesus was the Son, and not the Father; although the Father was "in" Jesus 2000 years ago.

The Father's Name is BAHA'U'LLAH, and it means in Arabic "The Glory of God".

The symbol of the Baha'i Faith is the 9-pointed star; because "9" is a sacred number to Baha'is. The name BAHA in Arabic is B(2) + A(1) + H(5) + A(1) = "9".

In Gematra, the ancient Hebrew science of sacred numbers (which the books of Daniel and Revelations are full of), the "144,000" is a sacred numbers. It does not mean that only 144,000 shall be "saved" or "go to Heaven". It means that John saw a CITY which descended from Heaven (i.e. The New Jerusalem) and within this CITY dwelt 144,000 with "the Father's Name" written on their foreheads (a symbol meaning they belonged to the Father). This is the meaning:


0+0+0="a thousand"

The meaning is that the "People of 9" shall reign for 1000 years.

The People of 9 are the Baha'is. The "1000 years" means the Dispensation of Baha'u'llah shall last 1000 literal years. The CITY of New Jerusalem, build upon 12 foundations, is a symbol of the World Order of Baha'u'llah; built upon the 12 Foundations (Principles).

My Sheep Hear My Voice!

Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice" (John 10:27). If Baha'u'llah is the Father, and if Christ has returned "in the Glory of God", then you will recognize Him if you hear His Words being spoken. Because 2000 years ago the Son came with the Voice of the Father, and a century ago the Father came with the Voice of the Son. You will recognize the Shepherd's Voice if you hear His Words being recited. That is how you judge things by the Spirit of God. And before you can judge by the Spirit you must attend a Baha'i Fireside (informal informational meeting) and HEAR the words of Baha'u'llah being spoken.

The true Christians are those who shall recognize the Voice of the Shepherd. The "Christians" in-name-only will not. The true spirit-filled Christians will recognize Baha'u'llah as Heavenly Father if they hear His Words being recited. The carnal "Christians" will not; but they will persecute the Baha'is, call Baha'u'llah a "False Prophet" and "Anti-Christ". The Sheep shall be separated from the Goats in this method. The Sheep shall inherit the literal Kingdom of the Father on earth (as well as in Heaven), but the Goats shall be "left behind".

The Sheep shall be separated from the Goats

The Sheep will then "have the Father's Name written on their foreheads" (Rev. 14:1). The Father's Name is not "Jesus" nor even "Christ". The Father's Name is BAHA'U'LLAH; thus the Sheep shall receive a New Name: BAHA'I ("Belonging to BAHA").

The Father's Name shall be written on their foreheads

Baha'u'llah Himself says to you:

"Verily, He (Jesus) said, 'Come after Me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.' In this day, however, We say: Come ye after Me, that We may make you to become quickeners of mankind."

(The Proclamation of Baha'u'llah , p.91)

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