My Sheep Hear My Voice!

Continued from Chapter 18

How To Recognize the Voice of God

Yeh'o'shua (Jesus) was a Manifestation of God. He came in the station of the Son. Yet, He was rejected by the scribes (scholars) and ministers of Orthodox Judaism? Why? Because, they relied on their "brains" instead of their "hearts". The common uneducated and illiterate people recognized Jesus! After hearing Him speak.That is how you recognize God! You first must hear Him speak. Then the Holy Spirit will tell your spirit that God is speaking.

Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice" (John 10:27). If Baha'u'llah is the Father, and if Christ has returned "in the Glory of God", then you will recognize Him if you hear His Words being spoken. Because 2000 years ago the Son came with the Voice of the Father, and a century ago the Father came with the Voice of the Son. You will recognize the Shepherd's Voice if you hear His Words being recited. That is how you judge things by the Spirit of God. And before you can judge by the Spirit you must attend a Baha'i Fireside (informal informational meeting) and HEAR the words of Baha'u'llah being spoken.

The true Christians are those who shall recognize the Voice of the Shepherd. The "Christians" in-name-only will not. The true spirit-filled Christians will recognize Baha'u'llah as Heavenly Father if they hear His Words being recited. The carnal "Christians" will not; but they will persecute the Baha'is, call Baha'u'llah a "False Prophet" and "Anti-Christ". The Sheep shall be separated from the Goats in this method. The Sheep shall inherit the literal Kingdom of the Father on earth (as well as in Heaven), but the Goats shall be "left behind".

The Sheep shall be separated from the Goats

The Sheep will then "have the Father's Name written on their foreheads" (Rev. 14:1). The Father's Name is not "Jesus" nor even "Christ". The Father's Name is BAHA'U'LLAH; thus the Sheep shall receive a New Name: BAHA'I ("Belonging to BAHA").

The Father's Name shall be written on their foreheads

Baha'u'llah Himself says to you:

"Verily, He (Jesus) said, 'Come after Me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.' In this day, however, We say: Come ye after Me, that We may make you to become quickeners of mankind."

(The Proclamation of Baha'u'llah p.119)

Shoghi Effendi wrote of Baha'u'llah:

"To Him Jesus Christ had referred to as the 'Prince of this world,' as the 'Comforter' Who will 'reprove the would of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment,' as the 'Spirit of Truth' Who 'will guide you into all truth,' Who 'shall not speak of Himself, but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak,' as the 'Lord of the Vineyard,' and as the 'Son of Man' Who 'shall come in the glory of His Father' 'in the clounds of heaven with power and great glory,' with 'all the holy angels' about Him, and 'all nations gathered before His Throne." (God Passes By, p.93)

Jesus said:

"Howbeit when he, THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH is come, he will guide you unto all truth; for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify Me..." (John 16:12-14)

Baha'u'llah wrote:

"Verily, He Who is THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH is now come to guide you unto all truth. He speaketh not as prompted by His own Self, but as bidden by Him Who is the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. Say, this is the One Who hath glorified the Son and hath exalted His Cause." (Tablets of Baha'u'llah, p.12)

He Who is the Father is come, and the Son, in the holy vale, crieth out: 'Here am I, here am I, O Lord, My God!'" (The Proclaimation of Baha'u'llah, p.27)






It is time for Christians to recognize The Spirit of Truth that Jesus said would come to teach us "all things" pertaining to the Kingdom of God and the Salvation of the Human Family. You owe it to Jesus to investigate this Truth for yourselves. You owe it to your children and generations not yet born on this planet. Please, come hear Him! Come to a Baha'i Fireside and listen to His Words being recited in prayers. You will know then if He is Whom He claims to be!

You MUST come and hear His Words and prayers being recited!

Then you will know that the Father, The Lord of the Vineyard, has come!

The Spirit of Truth has come... establish God's Kingdom on Earth!

Summary Conclusion

*There are over 6 million Baha'is on earth today in almost every country on the globe.

*Baha'is are followers of Baha'u'llah ("The Glory of God") Whose Divine Nature is that of GOD THE FATHER, and Whose human nature is that of THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH. God is a Spirit (John 4:24) that from time-to-times becomes a God-Man. God did so as Jesus 2000 years ago, and as Baha'u'llah a century ago. All the Manifestations of God are "God-Men", but They have different "stations". Jesus came in the station of the "Son", and Baha'u'llah came in the station of the "Father".

*Jesus is NOT the only Son of God. Adam is called "the Son of God" (Luke 3:38). All of the Manifestations of God are the "Sons of God". Jesus is the unique (Greek: Monogenes) Son of God in that He alone was born of a virgin and had no human father.

*The Baha'i Faith is the Millennial Kingdom; the 1000 year Reign of Christ on this planet. The Dispensation of Baha'u'llah shall last 1000 years, then another Manifestation of God shall come.

*The Baha'i Faith is the "Army of Light" that does spiritual battle in the last days with the "Forces of Darkness". Michael the Archangel (Chief Messenger of God) is a symbol of Baha'u'llah; the Prince of Persia Who arises in the last days to combat and defeat the "Dragon" and his angels.

*Baha'u'llah is the "Lord of the Vineyard" Who sends prophets, then His own Son, then comes Himself to the Holy Land; a literally fulfillment of Mark 12:1-9.

*Baha'is ARE "Christians" because they believe that Jesus is "the very Savior of man", the virgin-born Son of God Who offerred His life as a "sacrifice for the sins and iniquities of all mankind". Among the Manifestations of God, He holds the exalted station (rank) of "Son".

*Baha'is do NOT believe that Jesus was raised in His physical body, but in a spiritual body that can only be seen in visions.

*Baha'u'llah is the Messiah ben David; the SECOND Anointed-One. Jesus is Messiah ben Joseph: otherwise known as "The Suffering Messiah". Zechariah chapter 4 speaks of "two anointed ones (Christs) and not one only.

*One can be 'saved' without being a "Christian" (at least one does not need to use that name). The disciples of Jesus never referred to themselves as "Christians" until long after Jesus was gone back to the Father. They were first called "Christians" by pagans in Antioch. Were they not 'saved' until they began to be referred to as 'Christians'? Jesus called His followers "Talmeeth" ("Students" or "disciples"). In the Middle-East, Christians are called "Nasara'i" ("Belonging to The Branch"). One can be a disciple of Jesus without being called, or calling themselves, "Christian". The only name important regarding personal salvation is "Jesus". Baha'is accept Jesus as the only virgin-born Son of God Who is the Author of Personal Salvation.

*The Baha'i Faith is NOT a "cult", but will be called such and persecuted by the orthodox clergymen of the day; the same as what occurred in the times of Jesus; Who was called by the priests and ministers and scholars "That Deceiver". What was true of the Son shall also be true of the Father.

*The Bible is the Word of God, but not the ONLY Word of God. Zoroaster prophecied of the Messiah, and His disciples (the Wise Men) worshipped Him and offerred Him gifts while the Jews rejected and crucified Him. If Zoroaster was a true Prophet, then He revealed the Word of God outside of the Bible.

*Baha'is do NOT believe in a Rapture of the physical body, but of the soul at death (or 'near death') or in mystical experiences.

*Jesus appeared as the Archangel Gabriel as a "thief in the night" in a cave near Mecca to the Prophet Muhammed with a SHOUT, and revealed to Him (over the course of many months) the Qur'an. This is when the Resurrection of all Christians who lived before occurred; not in the physical dimension, but in the Unseen World.

*The "Four Living Creatures" that surround the Throne of God are Jesus, Muhammad, The Bab, and Baha'u'llah. They are the four Greatest Names of God.

*The Great Tribulation occurred during the 42 months of the first and second Jewish/Roman wars during which the Temple was destroyed (70 A.D.) and the Jewish people dispersed (135 A.D.). These were two periods of 42 months (3 1/2 years) each. The Christians avoided both tribulations by fleeing to the mountains of Jordan; as Jesus recommended they do in Matthew chapter 24.

*Baha'is do NOT believe in one End-Times Antichrist who shall rule the EU (or a 10-divisioned "New World Order") and mark everyone on the forehead or righthand with a "666" computer barcode. The first Beast was the pagan Roman Empire, and also Nero Ceasar. The Mark of the Beast was the "stamp" of the Roman emperor's face on coins; nobody could buy or sell without the stamp. The "Image" of the Beast was the statues of the Emperor that citizens were expected to worship; which Simon Magus made appear to speak.

*The "Antichrist" of the Baha'i Revelation was Siyyid Muhammed Isfahani; the prophecied one-eyed "Dajjal" ("Liar") expected by all Muslims to arise an oppose Isa (Jesus) in the last days. His lies led to the deaths of many innocent Baha'is. He was killed by Baha'is who were avenging the deaths of their loved ones.

*Baha'is believe the "New World Order" is the World Order of Baha'u'llah; otherwise known as the "New Jerusalem"; a city with 12 gates and 12 foundationstones (which are symbolic of the 12 Principles of the Faith).

*The 144,000 who are "sealed" with the Father's Name written on their foreheads are the Baha'is; who are the followers of BAHA (1+4+4=9) Whose Dispensation shall last 1000 years.

*The Battle of Armageddon is a symbol of the final earthly battle between the Forces of Good and Evil on this planet. It began in 1914 with World War I, but is still continuing today in various conflicts around the globe, on television, in university, in culture, and in the minds of men and women everywhere.

*Baha'is believe that Muhammed was a true Prophet of God; even a Manifestation of God. They do not believe He was a false prophet or "ThE False Prophet" of Revelations. They believe He was "That Prophet" expected by the Jews. He was "That Prophet Like Unto Moses" expected to arise from the "brothers" of the Israelites (the Ishmaelites/Bedouins). He was the one "Faithful and True" (Amin) with a bow and riding a white horse mentioned in the Apocalypse.

*Baha'is believe that Jesus is THE ONLY WAY TO GOD; the Only Mediator between God and man: because He was a Manifestation of God, and each of Them is the ONLY WAY to God. They are not in competition with each Other! They are "The Way" both individually and collectively. They are ONE! Only their disciples are divided and in competition.

*Baha'is believe that Baha'u'llah is THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH that Jesus promised would come and teach us "all truth" pertaining to the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and the Salvation of all Humanity. Jesus is the Savior of the SOUL (saves us from an eternal Hell), and Baha'u'llah is the Redeemer of the WHOLE (saves Humanity as a living species from the Final Doom upon the planet). Jesus' Mission was the Personal Salvation of souls. Baha'u'llah's Mission was the Universal Salvation of Humanity as a whole from final extinction.

*Christians who reject Baha'u'llah are making the same mistake the Jews made 2000 years ago when they rejected Jesus, called Him a "false prophet" and "false christ", and followed their uninspired religious leaders; the "blind" leading the blind. Those Mullas (Muslim clerics) and Ministers (Christian clerics) who recognize Baha'u'llah as the Father must sacrifice their pastorships, their current livelihoods, and become Baha'is. If they are not willing to make such a sacrifice, they are unworthy of Him.

*Christians who become Baha'is do not cease to be Christians, but rather have become CHRISTIANS OF THE SECOND ADVENT.

*To know if Baha'u'llah is the Spirit of Truth or not you must attend a Baha'i Fireside (informational meeting) and hear His Words being recited by Baha'is in prayers. The sheep will recognize the Voice of the Shepherd.

Baha'i Magazine/Firesides

You are cordially invited to call for a free copy of The Baha'is magazine to be mailed to you (if you live in the Continenal U.S.). You can request literature only, or you can also request the Baha'is near you to call you.

You are also invited to attend a Baha'i Fireside (informational meeting) near your home. These meetings are very casual, and includes refreshments and perhaps the showing of a video about the Faith. You are invited to ask questions, but Baha'is are forbidden to get into debates or arguments about religion. You can merely observe if you wish. The meetings are very casual, and very comfortable. Those who attend these meetings who are not Baha'is are called "Seekers".

Baha'is and Seekers at a Fireside
The best Baha'i book for Christian Seekers is Thief in the Night by William Sears. If you go to a Fireside the Baha'is there would be more than happy to loan you (or even give) you a copy.

If you decide to attend a Fireside, you will be referred to as a "Seeker". Are you a "Seeker" of Truth?

If so...please go.

If you live in the U.S. (except for Alaska and Hawaii) and would like a FREE COPY of The Baha'is magazine to be mailed to you, or if you would like to attend a Baha'i Fireside near your home, then just call the toll-free number below anytime (24-hour U.S. hotline):


The Baha'is magazine for Seekers

Contacting the Baha'is:

Continental U.S.: 1-800-228-6483 (24 hours)
Puerto Rico:
New Zealand: 0800-224-247 or
Ireland: or 1-800-441-919
South Africa:
United Kingdom: CLICK HERE or

If your country is not mentioned above then please CLICK HERE or check your local telephone director for "Baha'i Faith" in the White Pages or in the yellow pages under "Churches" or "Religious Organizations".

For a photo tour of Baha'i Shrines and Temples and the Baha'i World Center please CLICK HERE.

Go in Peace!

Darrick Evenson
July, 2003

BACK to the Introduction.

This article is not copyrighted. Anyone can copy it, distribute it, reproduce it by any means, publish it for free or profit, without the permission of the author. This article is not an official Baha'i publication, but reflects the personal views and opinions of its author~Darrick T. Evenson


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