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Phoenix's Cyber World

Phoenix's Finnish cottage photos

Here are some pictures of when the International students all went to Iso Mustajärvi. Literally translated it means "Big Black Lake." The International office rented a cottage there and we all went and had a blast.

This is a quick picture of us on the bus on the way there.

Here is a nice shot of Iso Mustajärvi. I didn't take it, but it was a nice shot anyway. A very pretty lake indeed.

Here's a shot of a few of us sitting around the campfire we had built. Naturally, I'm eyeing the fire...

Here's another shot of the same campfire from my backside. I, however, am still gazing into the fire.

Here's a picture of me throwing some darts the following morning. I wasn't doing too bad, I thought...

Ha! They even took a picture of me and my ass-whooping throws. All I could do was smile, though...

This is a beautiful picture here. he threw these darts from way back in the road and was so proud to have not hit the board once...

And finally, here is everyone getting back off the bus at our campus. We only traveled 70 kilometers north, but it seemed like another world for a short while.

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