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                                                     lastupdated: March 2-3, 2002

We're just going to forget about my hiatus, mmmkay?

I've added a links page, updated all pages, and made some changes in sections...

I've decided to drop the "freestyles" section. It was simply, well, lame. I've replaced it with an "entertainment" section. It'll have electronics and DVDs and whatnot. Video games, AOL IM shenanigans, etc... Go see already.


                                                     lastupdated: December 17, 2001

We are now pop-up free thanks to a little code I found. You shouldn't get any more Angelfire ads anymore. Cool huh?

School is now is session in the Life section.

Yo, yo, yo kids. Its time. Time for an update. School is by far the funniest thing on here right now in my opinion, go check it out. And what happened to my flame war?... Awww... sign the guestbook and keep it going!
