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December 7
1941 set the stage for America to join World War II. As the sleepy little Pacific island was waking up to its morning coffee, 183 Japenese bombers invaded and brought great destruction to the American People and the way of life they were accustomed to. This day symbolizes how vulnerable we are as a country to many people, representing a very sad era from the Holocaust to Hiroshima. Pearl Harbor Day will always be remembered with pain. When the war ended in 1945, our American soldiers came home with a reason to celebrate, but as with any war, is there ever really a victory?

The 9th Sign of the Zodiac
Ruling Planet - Jupiter
Jupiter aka Jove to the Romans "King of all Gods"
Jupiter aka Zues to the Greeks "Ruler of Heaven and Earth, Ruler of all Gods"
Element - Fire
Mascot - The Centaur
Nickname - The Archer


The Centaur is a half man, half horse animal, human from his head to waist and horse from his torso down. He stands aiming an arrow at the heavens. Let me tell you a story. Chiron, was King of the Centaurs. Most Centaurs were known as a rowdy bunch but Chiron was different. He was kind and wise, he was a teacher to Greek hero's, and he was a Greek God of Healing. One day the rowdy centaurs and Hercules got into a brawl. Hercules shot one of his poisonous arrows and it hit Chiron accidentally. Chiron was immortal, so the poison arrow could not kill him. The arrow caused great agonizing, unbearable pain to Chiron that would last for all eternity. Hercules was horrified at what he had done. Chiron and Hercules asked Prometheus to let Chiron die to end his suffering. Prometheus granted the wish to his friends and placed Chiron as the constellation Sagittarius in the sky. SAGITTARIUS means ARROW.

18 Years Later...

December 7, 1959
On a clear crisp winter night, in a small Midwest town, a baby girl was being born. The stars in the above sky were twinkling with happiness because they knew this baby was a gift from heaven. She would have cat green eyes with which she would be a natural born observer. She would be a great listener. From observing and listening she would learn perception, seeing the hidden pain and hearing the silent words buried deep in others. She would be able to feel the agony of others within her own heart. With compassion she would try to soothe the troubled souls she would meet. She would be a master of masking her own pain though. Wisdom would have her understand that her burdens were no lesser or no greater than others, that pain is pain and joy is joy. She would walk the face of her earth deep within herself and trying to comfort others at the same time. What shall we name her the heavens asked? Let it be....... Sherry, meaning Princess.


"Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence."
"In the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul."

Found in Old Saint Paul's Church, Baltimore:Dated 1692
Author Unknown

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