A Seperate Story Involving Nog the Foo
A Seperate Story Involving Nog the Foo


- noG the foo and the Pickled Yuck-Yuck -

Once there was a boy named Remington, a name which his mother thought was a practical and respectable name. Remngton, however, called himself noG the foo, a name which really did suit him better.

One day, after The Brushing of noG the foo's Hair (a process best not described that involved a lot of kicking and screaming "Hair Brush worshipper!!!), noG the foo asked if he could have a pet. His over-stressed mother told him he could have a fish.

So noG the foo got a fish, and named it Snake-Fishey, because he thought that was an appropriate name for a fish that was called Snake-Fishey. He put Snake-Fishey in a Fishey tank and stared at it for quite some time, until his mother became quite concerned with her son's growing obsession with his fish and made him play outside.

After a while, noG the foo forgot about his fish, and continued to forget for several months. When he did look in the Fishey tank, however, Snake-Fishey was not there. In Snake-Fishey's place was a Snake-Fishey-sized-and-shaped mound of Pickled Yuck-Yuck. noG the foo watched the Snake-Fishey-sized-and-shaped mound of Pickled Yuck-Yuck for quite some time, until his mother became quite concerned about his mental health and dragged him to a psychiatrist's office, where he sat and started at a potted plastic plant and hated his mother. After he got back, he scooped up the Pickled Yuck-Yuck (all except what would have been the head, had the Snake-Fishey-sized-and-shaped mound of Pickled Yuck-Yuck been a Snake-Fishey; this floated off on some adventure of its own) and put the Pickled Yuck-Yuck in a jar which he planned to give to his Best Friend Carl on his Best Friend Carl's birthday, except he didn't have a Best Friend Carl, so the Pickled Yuck-Yuck just sat in the jar and Yuckled, safe in noG the foo's Spare Socks Drawer (which, incidentally, he never looked in, because he was deeply afraid of the socks -- it is unknown how the jar containing the Pickled Yuck-Yuck came to be there) and noG the foo's mother took some valium and everyone was not quite happy, but possibly content.