jOjO's Links

jOjO's Links

Angelfire - Free Homepages

The Floating Continent - A mediocre Squaresoft site with some great links. Go there

The Official They Might Be Giants Homepage - A very unique and very good band

Mr. Blue's Guide to Spiffiness - A very droll little site, you never know what you're getting into

The Official Mr. Bean Website - The man I admire most in the world

The Slightly Less Than Official Spork Homepage - What site would be complete without a page dedicated to sporks

The S Files - A great Simpsons page with lots of sounds, picture, links, etc. See it before Fox shuts it down

Pearl Jam - Synergy - The Official Pearl Jam Homepage

The Grinning Elf - A collection of bizarre short stories from some of the greatest unpublished authors of our time

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