Voodo Lounge

Well, welcome to my humble little internet home. I'd like to welcome our regualar visitors, the 14 year olds and perverts, and say hello to our new guests, the people tricked into coming here. For now you are probably wanting something to do so here are some places you can go from this site:

all about me

my music page

send a card from my server

pick up a card from the server

the things that annoy me

hard rock songs in eboics

my hellish day at school

Ok, now that you are done with my page here are some other pages that you may want to visit....yippee skippee mommy!

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Well thank you for dropping by. And before you bother, quite frankly i dont care if I offended anyone of you or not. If you were offended then you are gay and I dont want to hear from you. If you are a mommy or a daddy then please keep the kiddies away from me and any of my works, due to the fact i will corrupt them. Thank you all.--the management