The following results are for WWF Raw that aired on 5/10/99. These results were taken from "Top Rope Newsletter." Please Credit: "Top Rope Newsletter" and the reporter when using these results. Thank You!!

*World Wrestling Federation's:
*Air Date: Monday, May 10, 1999
*9:00 PM - 11:00 PM (EST) on USA
*Hosted by: Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler
*Live from: Orlando, Florida
*Reported by: Adam Silver

*As Raw is War began, a montage was shown from last week's Raw is War with Shane McMahon ordering each and every match including the lumberjack match between the Rock and Steve Austin ending with both men being thrown onto tables and electronical units.

*Shane McMahon and the Corporate Ministry are shown walking into the arena on one side while Vince McMahon and the Union are shown walking into the arena on another side with two-by-fours and security guards.

*Kane versus Billy Gunn
-As Billy Gunn was about to step into the ringside area, a woman ran from the crowd and hugged him. She was quickly ran off by a WWF security guard as Kane attacked him from the outside and rolled him into the ring. Kane dominated the entire match until both of his feel got caught between the middle and bottom ropes. As Billy Gunn began to kick him furiously, X-Pac and the Road Dogg ran in to stop him. X-Pac went to save Kane as the Road Dogg chased Billy Gunn into the crowd. Mark Henry and D'Lo Brown then came down and beat up X-Pac as they continued to pumbell Kane who was still on the ropes. When Kane got free, both men chased D'Lo Brown and Mark Henry to the backstage area.

*The Union is again shown walking with security guards and two-by-fours as the Corporate Ministry is shown walking on the other side of the arena. When coming back from commercial, Monica Seles is shown being in attendance.

*Vince McMahon/Shane McMahon Confrontation.
-Vince McMahon went down to the ring with the Union and three security guards. He quickly took the microphone and told Shane McMahon that he can not rely on his family for anything anymore and challenged the Corporate Ministry to anything against the Union. Shane McMahon then appeared and explained that his family is the Corporate Ministry and that he would totatly destroy the Union tonight. Shawn Michaels is then shown on the Titantron explaining that Shane's match making skills were decent but not very good.

*Shawn Michaels Interview.
-First off, Shawn Michaels added Vince McMahon to the title match at Over the Edge between the Undertaker and Steve Austin as a second guest referee along with Shane. Secondly, he put Faarooq against Bradshaw in a lumberjack match with the Union as the lumberjacks. He then made a nightstick-on-a-pole match between Test and the Big Boss Man making the winner the man who shoves the stick where the sun don't shine. He continues by making another match with Gerald Brisco and Pat Patterson against the Mean Street Posse the losers leaving the WWF forever. He also set up Ken Shamrock against Chyna and Paul Wight against Paul Bearer with a stipulation saying that if the Ministry interfeers the Undertaker loses his title shot. He also puts Viscera and Midian against Cactus Jack (for one time only) and Sable against Debra for the Women's Championship and if Sable doesn't show up she gets stripped of the title. Finally he adds the Undertaker/Triple H/Shane McMahon against Steve Austin/The Rock/Vince McMahon but he could not figure out who the special guest referee would be. Shane McMahon then demands that he pick the special guest referee to which Shawn Michaels shows who the cops are...Gerald Brisco, Pat Patterson, and himself Shawn Michaels.

*Paul Wight versus Paul Bearer
[If any member of the Corporate Ministry interfeers, the Undertaker loses his title shot at Over the Edge.]
-Paul Wight quickly enters the ring as Paul Bearer finally appeared at the Titantron area getting pushed to the ring by Shawn Michales (still wearing the cop uniform and pushing Bearer with a nightstick.) Bearer quickly ran for the ropes and held on screaming that he is not a wrestler as Shawn Michaels joined the team for commentary. Wight knocked down Paul Bearer with a foot to the face and added a huge leaping elbow as he took the microphone and asked Shawn Michaels if he can wave the stipulation so the Undertaker can come down to the ring. The Undertaker's music then went on as he walked down to the ring but did not enter. To this, the Big Show then gave another elbow to Paul Bearer as the rest of the Corporate Ministry began to attack Paul Wight with the Undertaker standing outside the ring. The Union then quickly made their way down and cleared the ring of the Corporate Ministry.

*Debra defeated Sable (Read Below)
*Evening Gown Women's Championship Match*
[If Sable did not appear for the match, the title would automatically be forfited.]
-As Sable made her way to the ring, she quickly took the microphone and did her usual opening. After Sable finished, Val Venis' music came on as he made his way down to the ring to see Debra. She quickly got attacked from behind as he evening gown got ripped off. After Nicole Bass left the ring to chase Val Venis, he got nailed with a guitar by Jeff Jarrett.

*Sable/Shawn Michaels Confrontation.
-Michael Cole asked Sable how she felt about defending the title as Shawn Michaels ran into the ring and took the microphone telling Nicole Bass to step off. Shawn Michaels then explained that Debra had nice puppies and because she looked good she recieved the belt and the claim as the winner of the match. Sable and Bass then complained to Shawn Michaels as Debra strutted in the ring. Sable then matched her strut.

*Vince McMahon, Steve Austin, and the Rock were shown in the backstage area on a triple screen. After the commercial, Shane McMahon is shown in the backstage area with the Undertaker and Triple H telling them that they will win tonight.

*Big Boss Man pinned Test
*Nightstick-on-a-pole Match*
[The winner is the man who retrives the nightstick and pins the other.]
-Test quickly knocked down the Big Boss Man and began to climb the pole, but his tights were quickly pulled down along with himself. The Big Boss Man quickly returned this action, but Test stopped him. The flow of the match continued back and forth by quite some time until Test hit the Big Boss Man with and finally took the nightstick down. With a baton of his own, the Big Boss Man hit Test twice and pinned him.

*Cactus Jack is shown walking the backstage area.

*Val Venis Interview.
-Val Venis is shown in the backstage area telling Jeff Jarrett that Debra wants him and that a guitar shot will never measure up to a money shot.

*Cactus Jack pinned Midian/Viscera
*Hardcore Match*
-Cactus Jack came out with two basketballs and threw them directly at Midian as he continued with chair shots to both men. Viscera quickly delivered a belly-to-belly suplex to get Cactus Jack down on the outside as both men continued their pumbelling for most of the match. Cactus jack then delivered a double-arm-DDT along with repeated trash can shots to both men, finally knocking down Midian with a trash can and a steel chair. Viscera then hit Cactus Jack with the chair and trash can many times before he recieved a low blow and flew to the outside letting Cactus Jack nail him with a huge chair shot from the ring apron for the pin. He then threw Viscera into the steps as he gave his "bang bang" symbol to the crowd which chanted "Foley." A ring guard was then shown picking up the two basketballs.

*Chyna Interview.
-Chyna explained that every 28 days she gets a little moody and that yesterday was the 27th. She explained that the balls were in her court and she might just step on them.

*Faarooq versus Bradshaw
*Lumberjack Match*
[The Union made up the lumberjacks.]
-Faarooq quickly takes the microphone and says that even those Shawn Michaels ordered it, he will not fight his partner because everybody knows who the winner would be. Bradshawn then agrees, not realizing he meant himself, as both men argue and decide to fight. Whenthe brawling of both men begin to heaten up, the Big Boss Man, Midian, and Viscera run into the ring to break them up. The Union then invades the ring as Viscera is left by himself. They all nail him repeatedly with two-by-fours until he rolls outside the ring.

*Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco are shown walking together in the backstage area while they laugh.

*Gerald Brisco/Pat Patterson defeated Mean Street Posse (Submission)
*Loser leaves WWF*
-Brisco and Patterson enter by the Titantron area mimicking Hulk Hogan including his old music from "Hulkamania" times. Brisco quickly got attacked on the inside of the ring as Pat Patterson got thrown into the steel poll on the outside. Brisco overcame the double teaming for some portion, but it quickly knocked him down. As Gas had his belt in his hand, Patterson knocked him out from behind as both men got thrown into each other. Brisco put Gas into a figure-four-leg-lock as Patterson put Rodney into the Sharpshooter. Both men submitted to let the veterans win and stay in the WWF. Patterson (mostly) and Brisco immitated Hulk Hogan in the middle of the ring to celebrate.

*Ken Shamrock Interview.
-Shamrock explains that he was brought up in a family in which men did not hit women. He then explained that he is unsure of what he will do for his match against Chyna.

*Jeff Jarrett pinned Val Venis
-Jarrett walked into the ring and quickly picked up the microphone mimicking Val Venis' "Hello Ladies." Venis quickly ran down the aisle and met Jeff Jarrett with punches, kicks, and maneuvers into the ringside blockades. With his showboating and such, Val Venis hit a fisherman's suplex but it was not enough to put Jarrett away. As both Jarrett and Venis were going for a pin, Debra went on the ring apron and took off her jacket. While on the top rope about to deliver a Money Shot, Val Venis noticed her and took a leap off to make out with her neck. Jarrett saw him as he stole the Women's Championship from Debra and hit Venis (who got slapped by Debra) in the head with it for the pin.

*Ken Shamrock and Chyna are shown walking in the backstage area.

*An episode of the Clevages is shown with Beaver Cleavage getting healed up by his mother.

*Ken Shamrock versus Chyna
-Chyna came out first with Triple H by her side. Shamrock, however, entered the ring in a pair of jeans and shoes obviously not wanting to wrestle a woman. Chyna then pushed and slapped Ken Shamrock making him very agrivated as he yelled at Triple H. Chyna then hit him directly to which Ken Shamrock began to choke her. Triple H quickly hit him as did Chyna. Shamrock then knocked Triple H down as he gave Chyna a belly-to-belly suplex. Shamrock then snapped on the outside of the ring as he kicked the steel steps.

*Steve Austin/The Rock/Vince McMahon pinned The Undertaker/Triple H/Shane McMahon
[Shawn Michaels is the special guest referee.]
-Shane McMahon silently instructed Chyna to keep an eye on Shawn Michaels as Shane quickly ran out and threw his father into the ring. Vince McMahon quickly recieved a chokeslam and tombstone piledriver as the Rock ran down (with his arm in a cast) and fought Triple H. With Austin still not shown, Vince McMahon began to be choked on the outside of the ring with a wire. Finally, Austin's music sounded as he made his way down to the ringside area to fight with the Undertaker. As Austin and the Undertaker were brawling, Triple H, the Rock, and Vince McMahon were also brawling with Chyna checking up on Shane McMahon. As the competitors got into the ring, Austin missed a stunner on the Undertaker before he reversed a pedigree giving the Rock a chance to give the rock bottom to Triple H. The Undertaker then pulled Steve Austin outside as the Rock pulled Triple H outside leaving Shane and his father in the ring. Austin quickly ran in to stun Shane McMahon letting Vince McMahon cover for only a two-count before Austin pulled him off. Austin hit Shane McMahon with a second stunner and pinned him by himself. Shawn Michaels and Steve Austin then celebrated on the top turnbuckles with beer to end Raw is War




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