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"the little lion"

Have the courage to free!!


"I would need to have the courage to refuse those who
came to visit me or asked me to visit them,
on the grounds that I had a crucial and urgent rendezvous
with myself."


Life is all about passion.

Without living in passion, one isn't truly living. Rather just resignedly going through the motions...existing in nothing but a boring ho-hum black and white coloring book world. It's a very sad thing to see, and feel. Living with no hope, very little joy, and accepting that you sold out for whatever reasons. Very sad, indeed. But it doesn't have to be that way...

Change is a most natural and constant thing.

The sun rises each morning with the tittering chirps of waking birds. It glides gloriously across the sky, sets in an awe inspiring display of nature’s most brilliant colors then slips below the earth with a sigh as the moon serenely makes it’s calm, cool, sparkling star dust appearance in the velvet midnight sky.

The seasons effortlessly change…one melding into the other, each in turn relenting and giving way to the other, as the perfect creatures and plants that inhabit and grow on this perfect earth react and adjust themselves to those changes, perfectly.

Majestic mountains crumble, tempestuous volcanoes erupt, rapid river waters slowly erode their banks in each heartbeat of a moment, changing their courses forever.

This is all just as it should be.

And you are part of it, the same as I. Changing is essential to living, learning, evolving, growing. To no longer to no longer Be.

Change is certainly nothing to be afraid of and why bother? You can’t stop it. You might as well accept it, if not embrace it and revel in it…be excited about what wonderful things your change might bring about.

Yes, those changes will sometimes bring about loses, steal from you things from time to time that are important to you, and on sad occasions even things that are very dear to your heart. But those changes will also bring new treasures, rich experiences that are to be joyously thankful for and should be graciously enjoyed to the absolute fullest!

Is this not exciting?! Is this not worth the risk, worth letting go of the debilitating fear and taking a brave step forward? How can you not?

Today I encourage you to open that box of crayons. Live with full vibrant brilliant color! Open your eyes and take a big deep breath in. That's it! Feel the world around you and your place in it...let it fill you up with its absolute peace and harmony. All is what it should be...if you just let it be. No fighting, no struggles, no worries, no flailing about in turmoil. Let it all go. Neither of us are Atlas, dear. :) Let the world take care of itself...and it undoubtedly will. for you...what is it that YOU ultimately seek this day? It's inside you. You know it, I know it. No sense in denying it. Let it out and live it. There's nothing to fear. Would you rather live in the misery of hiding from your truths, and in denial of those truths...than to risk the chance of the consequences of living with integrity, living your true vital essence? Is missing out on all your desires and never realizing your fantasies worth it? I don't think so.

Denial of what is real...does not change what is real...does it, darling? It's still back there, nagging at you, causing you to ache and grieve horribly on the inside, knowing what you've given up on...and given in to, sold out for.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

Change is still possible, always possible. And you can do it. You have the strength and courage inside you, just the same as any of the rest of us who have taken that first step and found joy and peace in embracing our true selves. Now it's your turn, dear. Shed the skin of falseness and fear.

Relax, take a deep breath of All that is…take that essential breath deep into yourself, feel It fill you up and yet empty you at the same time. Let All be…what It will be…what It is. This is The Way.


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Shingalana's Garden Of Tao
Stroll, breath, and just BE.




This site was born in March of 1999 during a week that I was ill and home from work.
Since then it has been the honored and thankful host of the following number of visitors: