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The Silvanian Sands

You walk into a large, warm and brightly lit cavern. (Welcome to the Silvanian Sands, named after the main dragon here, Silver Ice, and the Silvanian Dragon Eggs you can impress here) a loud voice booms in your head and you whirl around and come face to face with a huge dragon. It looks at you with its huge glassy eyes and all you can do is stare. (Is that all you humans do? You act as if you have never seen a dragon before) it says in a digusted tone. (Any way, my name is Mystery. I am the guardian of the Silvanian Sands or as you mortals call it the Hatching Grounds) she says. (You are here for a dragon of your own are you not?) Mystery asks. You nod egerly trying not to stare. Mystery smiles, if a dragon can smile. (I thought so) she says.

(The eggs are on sands hardening right now! They are up for adoption even as we speak) Mystery says.

"But I want a dragon egg NOW right here!" you roar.

(If you want a dragon NOW you can adopt one of the abandoned dragons or continue on your journey. It isn't THAT far for you to walk) she roars back at you. You scream and hide in a corner of the carvern, sit down and start shaking. (Don't worry, I won't eat you. I'm to well bred to eat a human or any other intelligent being at that) she assures you.

(Oh, and another thing. If you want to impress one of the eggs you will have to have a good temper and not yell or abuse your dragon egg or the growing dragon when it hatches, fill out the form COMPLETLY, read the rules, and agree to them) the dragon says in a taunting voice. (You can E-mail Sailor Star Silver/Weyrwoman Starlite here. If you don't you can ask for a dragon with e-mail or through the mailing list in the next cavern toward the sands, but that really won't impress a dragon will it, but then you never know. After all, stranger things have happened in the worlds of the universe. In fact it may impress a dragon even more! But then, mabye not) Mystery tells you. (Go on to the next page at the link below if you wish to continue your journey to adopting a Silvanian Dragon) she says almost in a whisper.

Do you continue? The choice is yours.

Art Thou Brave? Choose your Destiny

If you are a coward you can go back to Lairs
Continue on your journey to obtaining a Silvanian Dragon egg