Here's a story

Wow if you are reading this then, you are really bored(Maybe its a true story, maybe it isn't)

This is not a story on how I got into Ska. To read about how I got into ska(and other rants)go here.

<----One of the funniest scenes in the video.
Ok here it goes i guess it was around July 1996 and i was seeing a girl named Breen. Well anyway Breen dumped my ass("i rate guys on a scale from 1-10 and i only go out with guys that rank @ least a 9') and i was totally bummed out. Well The Box was on and there was this video and it was so funny. It was RBF's "Everything Sucks" it was so funny, My favorite scene is when they pawned their instruments. The video made me totally forget about what happend earlier in the day.....Well as soon as i saw it i rushed out and i bought the cd @ my local store, And boy were there alot to pick from....The cashier told me i was the person to buy the cd(the made me feel cool, i guess) So i heard the Cd and i loved all of it. Every song...and it seemed almost like they were singing about me...(except "Skatanic" i hope they werent singing that about me). I had a couple girlfriend leave me for girls and i think everyhting sucks..i and i am in a band (and i can't wait to sell out) so it was really weird. But what sucked was that i couldn't share them with my friends. For a couple reasons. 1. I dont have that many friends that like Ska. 2. B/c the band wasnt popular(when i say popular i mean on mtv-radio every second of the day) all my friends assumed that they sucked which really bothered me b/c you cant judge talent on popularity. A friend even told me "They cant be that popular, I've never heard of them","Why did they rip off Phish" .I just wanted to slap his face So about 3 or 4 months after i bought the CD ,RBF played their first show in St louis. It was Isaac Green and the Skalars, RBF, and the Toasters. I was just there to see RBF. It was weird b/c i had the feeling that i was the only person who knew who RBF was. They played an awesome set.After the set i got Grants and Andrews' autograph....I asked Andrew if he could get the rewst of the guys to sign my surprise He invited me to go with them..I got a couple more autographs and made a complete idiot of my self, But i didnt care b/c i was meeting my favorite band. I went upstairs and i saw the rest of the Toasters act and some members of RBF came and watched(i got so freaked when i look behind me and i saw them). Well the show was finally over and i gave Grant a tshirt of mine. I also gave Andrew my blockbust video card."So you 'll remember my name"...and he took it (and to this day he still has it)And then i went home..I have seen RBF a few more times since then..i have traveled over 2500 miles(total) to see them. We have a friendship type thing and i love seeing them and i am so happy with all the success they have.BTW that guy who made the the not hearing them and phish comments claims he is a huge RBF fan...welll what ever is what i say. Until next time
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