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Vaguely up and coming gigs....

Nothing, barring recording. Perhaps when we finish a demo they will give us a spot at Jacobs Well, acoustic, most likely. Stay tuned.

Old ancient prehistoric Keith-Richards-old gigs of our gloriously laughable past:

Johnson County Community College, Wednesday 19 April 2001.
We played an impromptu gig here, it was a Battle of the Bands. It was fun, we didnt win of course (keep in mind we had practiced only thrice since the last year!) but it was fun to get onstage again. It was a good opportunity to plant seeds of ministry as well. We unveiled a new song (I Will Not Be Laodicea) and despite being sloppy, out of tune, and unable to hear each other, we played fairly well. Set list was Salvation, Heaven Awaits, Home, and Laodicea. Technically our last performance as the Enrique-led Erasing Adam.

New Earth Coffeehouse, Saturday 17 February 2001.
This was an acoustic night performance. It was just me (Neuf) and Dan. We got fifteen minutes and performed Home, Never Forget, and Generation. Enrique was on a ski trip so I took over acoustic guitar and harmony. It was quite fun, albeit a bit nerveracking at first. If youre reading New Earth people, we'd love to come back and play an electric set for you!

Woods Chapel United Methodist Church, Sunday 21 January 2001.
You folks dont want to hear about this gig. It would depress you. I dont want to go into detail on it, but it was quite a rough time for the lot of us...

Jacobs Well Coffeehouse (New Years Eve Party), Sunday 31 December 2000 and Monday 1 January 2001
Really fun gig at Jacobs Well. Played several covers. Our setlist opened with a pounding version of Helter Skelter (Beatles), and then went into one of our classic covers, Just, by Radiohead. Then we played Salvation, one of our songs. Jim Lee then came onstage and chatted for a bit, and we returned after the countdown with the quite appropriate New Years Day by U2. After this, we played Home, and then Heaven Awaits, both rather long original songs. Our encore performance was with guest Andy Castro, former lead singer of Point Blank. We did a cover song that we did at our first gig ever, almost two years ago; Its the End of the World As We Know It by REM. Quite nostalgic and fun for all parties involved. We all had a blast and thought it went great.

Nite Lite at Aldersgate Methodist Church, Lees Summit. Friday, 1 December 2000. 11:00 PM.
This was a great gig IMO. Enrique and Dan both had a rough night. Dan forgot a few lyrics (unnoticable) and Enrique had a rough time with his classical guitar falling off its stand. It flustered him and he couldnt play the part right. I was for once really ON, incredibly inspired, I could have played all night. Mind you, this was just after I had come from playing acoustic guitar for the orchestra at my church in a grandiose presentation of "Experiencing God," through which many people came to Christ. Things were flying out of my fingers that I never knew I could do. Also we recieved two immediate gig offers directly from the gig. Some fans thought this was our best performace ever; I was digging it, but Enrique thought quite the opposite. Oh well.

Jacobs Well Coffeehouse (acoustic night), Friday 17 November 2000
Acoustic gig...very fun. Ryan and Dan sang vocals, me and Enrique played guitars, and on the two new songs I played piano. Our songs were as follows: Never Forget, Wasted, Home, Salvation, Heaven Awaits, and Saved. Not sure about the order. Also playing that evening were Jondy Britton and Brad Henson, and Heather Biggar.

Jacobs Well Coffeehouse, Friday 20 October 2000
An excellent gig, we doubled with another band called Aslans Child. They were a very talented group of easy listening Christian popsters with a folkie alternative bent. We went on after them. Muy divertido. Dans second gig; he did well. We introduced a smashing version of Home at this gig. Definately the highlight of the evening.

Concert for T.H.A.T. Bible Study at UMKC, Monday October 9 2000
This was a fun little gig put on at Pierson Hall in UMKC. The other band I'm in (the KCBT College Class Praise Band) played, meaning I personally got to play three sets straight. Fun it was though. Debuted "Heaven Awaits." "Home" will be debuted at Jacobs Well. Not too many people showed up, but thats OK.

Sunday Night Service at KCBT, Sunday September 2 2000
We played a special this Sunday night; we managed to crank out a somewhat decent version of Salvation. Not anything special, but good exposure.

Jacobs Well Coffeehouse, Friday May 19 2000
This was a fun gig where we played in the coffeehouse run by the college class at our church. It was well recieved, despite our poor vocal performance. We had it taped on audiocassette and it was quite humbling. But other than that it was a great gig. Dan did two radiohead covers with us for fun...his first appearance with the band.

10 March 2000 -- Friday Night Live at the "Alley"
This was a concert for the high school crowd. Also known as the "Andy Castro Farewell Concert" and sometimes referred to as the "Concert For Bangaladesh." No, sorry, that was George Harrison. We played several new songs, and it was videotaped. At least two people accepted Christ.

22 October 1999 -- Iola, Kansas
Performed way out in good ol' Iola Kansas for Kyle Guenthers church. Quite a long trip, but it was worth it, if nothing else, to see missions in action.

Some time in June we played a few songs for the Power Fellowship at our church, and in early fall we played a concert in a park in Lee's Summit.

1 May 1999 -- Raytown Vision '99 Rally
This was an evangelistic rally at the Raytown High School auditorium. We played a couple sets, Lemartt and His Funkadelics (not their REAL name) played (they are quite awesome). Dave Hill, my old employer, worked with Jim Lee to do the event (he provided the BBQ).

24 April 1999 -- Yahweh CoffeeHouse
A Battle of the Bands. We did poorly, Castro couldnt show (sick). The place had a pretty awful atmosphere, we canceled the second show we were booked for (14 May 1999).

16 April 1999 -- Friday Night Live at the "Alley"
Another FNL performance. I vaguely even remember this. They were always fun though...I was using my red SG bass with a no-name amp I borrowed from Jesse Bowman. It was a mid sized real old solid state amp, and I had it overdriven quite a bit, heh heh heh.

The only other gig I can think of was our first Friday Night Live, I think it was in January or February 1999.