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Welcome to the Phoenix Family Home Page

We are a group of people that have some things in common;

so we banded together to form a group of like minded individuals and thus was born......the Phoenix Family
A few groups (historical or present in "the Current Middle Ages") that inspired us. This list is not yet complete. Click on the shields for more.

Any family members that want to add to this list e-mail me

The Hospitallers The Templars
A short legend of the Phoenix from The Aberdeen Beastiary

One of the oldest and most powerful myths of spiritual resurrection, ascension, and immortality is that of the phoenix. According to the Greeks, the phoenix was a divine bird that is born, grows old, and eventually builds its own funeral pyre on which it immolates itself. Although the body of the phoenix is consumed in the sacred fire and reduced to ashes, the phoenix does not die. It rises up from its own ashes and ascends in a blaze of spiritual glory to Heaven, where it attains true immortality.


As members of the SCA we see ourselves as a "Phoenix". The honor, nobility and chivalric nature of the "Middle Ages" is reborn in us. Our immortality is the legacy that we leave behind. If we can inspire one person to become better...more noble...we will have suceeded in our mission.

The Mission Statement of the Phoenix