How Lucky 13 was started. . .

When four teenage boys, David Weber (Vocals), Kevin Crabtree (Guitar), Branden Weihmeyer (Bass), and Tony Stark (Drums), got together around 1996 they created the band VesicaPices. This was a Christian Alternative Band located in Union, MO. When Crabtree had to move in '97 the band split up. Then in late '97 the other three band members found a new guitarist, Jonathan Mitchell they formed the band Lucky 13. In April of '98 Lucky 13 brought Bill Stewart on as band Manager. When Branden left in May Bill also became Bassist. In October of 98 the lead singer David Weber also decided to leave the band. So the band decided that Bill Stewart and Jon Mitchell would share the singing responsabilities thus came about the Pop Punk Power Trio you now know as Lucky 13

Last Updated - 5/31/99