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PHBA Home Page

Pathetically Helpful Bronzers Anonymous
Co-founders: Lisa and CharlieX
Founded on July 4th, 1998

New PHBA pages are in the works. This page, as well as the Bookmarks of the Bronze will be replaced with (hopefully) more attractive, better organized, more informative pages - as well as lots of new features. Working pages should be up soon, so please bear with in the mean time.
Thanks! - Lisa
IMPORTANT!! In the process of creating new PHBA pages, I'll be wiping ALL EXISTING LINKS!! (There are just too many, and they're too old!) Please help create the NEW links pages by submitting any links you feel would be useful or appropriate. [It does not, necessarily, have to be a link to your own site.]

The page to which you add the links will NOT be the final links page - just an easy way for you to submit links and for me to grab them, when I'm ready. (I won't be including your name or email on the final page, although I'd appreciate if you could include it in the submission.)

Add Link
View Links

Thanks... Lisa
posted on 09/18/00

The PHBA has a new (additional) email address!
Please direct any PHBA related issues to:

History of the PHBA

The PHBA was founded on the belief that some of us just can't seem to stop helping other people. If we know the answer, or we know how to find the answer, we feel compelled to help out! There was one night, in particular, that we (the co-founders) found ourselves helping (it seemed like) everyone in the Bronze. We then began sharing stories of how "helpful" we are in "Real Life", and soon afterward decided to create a club, so that we could organize our efforts (actually, we were in search of a 12-step program). Once we agreed on a name, the rest was fairly easy. Welcoming "newbies", answering questions that the other PBers are tired of answering, providing links to popular sites, helping the newer posters figure out how to do "simple" HTML, the list goes on...

On this page, and on others that we'll be adding in the future, we hope to provide a reference for when we aren't available to personally help each & every person that needs us.

Members List

TV James - #0
Lisa - co-founder
CharlieX - co-founder
Miguel - #3

Akasha - #4
Gregg - #5
Jade - #6
Nouveaux - #7
KrazyKat - #8
Jezebel - #9
Sarah W. - #10
Lady Bathory - #11
EverDawn - #12
GYST - #13
Rachael - #14
Legal Lurker - #15
Kallie - #16
kate228 - #17
~Amber~ - #18
VT - #19
Jennifer Lynn - #20
~Sanguineus~ - #21
Vampiress - #22
RedThunder - #23 (E-mail Division)
Tana - #24
Angelic Sweetie - #25
morgaine - #26
RJ - #27
Missi - #28
Paris Angel - #29
Pixie - #30
Malkie - #31
cabin7man - #32
NuPhalanx - #33
Sonrisa - #34
Lil'Tree - #35
Arsinoe - #36
AuroraStar - #37
Troll - #38
Ozman - #39
Cleio - #40
thy Slayer - #41
Peace Fire - #42
samantha - #43
Duchess of Buffonia - #44
Holli - #45
WillowofOz - #46
Ce'Lisse - #47
Werewolf, Where wolf? - #48
Julea - #50
heaven101 - #51
YoungBob - #52
LunaMoon - #53
Swoop #54
Slayergrl99 #55
La Mayrnaghs #56
Dru #57
MedusA #58
Moloch2002 #59
buffluv #60

Please feel free to direct your questions to any one of us.
If we don't know, or can't find the answer, we will try to point you in the right direction.

Back to the Bronze - no frames, of course!

Interested in Joining?

We are currently working to come up with some member guidelines. Until then, just e-mail our club addy:, and let us know why you'd like to join. Please don't join just because you want something to add to your siggy. We're looking for people who pretty much fit the above description of being "pathetically helpful", and feel they can "help" people on the Buffy PB. Thanks for your interest!!

Click here for our links!
Bookmarks of the Bronze

All the links have been moved to a separate page.
Please click on the above graphic to go to "Bookmarks of the Bronze", our new links page!

E-mail us!

If you have questions, and none of us are currently on the board,
or if you have suggestions, additions for the page, etc.
please e-mail Lisa, CharlieX, or our club email addy:

Back to the Bronze - no frames, of course!

Graphic Web Elements are from The Animation Factory
For more graphics sources, visit my graphics links page
