°¤°¤° Welcomes To My Page °¤°¤°

Hey!! I've moved my page...Well not really moved, just simply started a new one with my friend Monica...It looks a lot better than this one did..So Go see it.

Aww look at tha nerd i just adopted!! isnt he cute???

Jamie adopted me. She kicks ass! yaya!

Click on him if u wanna adopt ur own!!!

Hanson Online

Cool graphic, huh??

hey if u want ur page to be added to a bunch of search engines then click here:

Add Me!

Click on the Link below to enter Cried.com

Click here to enter Jamie's and Monica's Page...Cried.com

If ur not ready to enter..or ur a hanson hater u can go ahead and go here ..u'll probably like this page a lot better.

Taynkoo and Sign da guestbook plz!!!

Email: hanson_luvr_14@hotmail.com