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Dream Castle No. 8

Sundance and Megan
By: Baby Lickety Split
Sundance what do you see outside the window said Baby Lickety Split. Oh my gosh oh my gosh. What is it sundance. It's Megan. Yay said all the ponies when they heard the good news. Megan Megan. Sundance is that really you said megan who was getting teary eyed. Yes Megan it is me Sundance and im so glad that your back please don't leave us again. I wont have to i graduated this year. Yay cheered the ponies. Welcome home Megan said Powder. You know even i missed you Megan as a matter of fact i always liked you since your first visit to ponyland every since i saw you i thought you were a cute little girl and you know what your still a pretty woman said Sparkler. Megan blushed. Awwwwww dont be embarrassed Megan it is the truth though said Sparkler. Hehehe i guess your right Sparkler i am pretty now that i think about it. And how is my little pony Sundance doing. Oh hehehe im doing good although i could be better. Oh whats wrong Sundance said Megan. You would think by now my clumsiness would have fizzled out but no it didnt i had to deal with it in 1985 when i nearly ruined your 2nd coming to ponyland i almost ruined the celebration because of my clumsiness and now its 1998 and im still clumsy one of these days my clumsiness is probably going to get me killed.

Now Sundance dont talk like that thinking things like that only make problems worse try thinking good thoughts and not bad ones ok. Ok i'll try megan but dont look for good results because everywhere i go its the same thing if i go down a hill i end up tripping and rolling down the hill if i am just walking on the ground i'll trip on my other hoove and roll until i hit a tree im beginning to think my life wasnt ment to be and my life isnt a good one i would enjoy my life if i wasnt clumsy but that will never happen to me im always going to trip fall and other things for the rest of my life however long that is. Basically i was just born clumsy because when i was starting to walk i failed at that about millions of times and being made fun of never helped me at all because the ponies that stand before you were the ones making fun of me and they said windwhistler had no feeling hehehe thats a laugh there the ones with no feelings you can tell they dont when you look in there eyes. About the only ponies that don't make fun or laugh at me is sweetstuff and sparkler basically they are just like there names but known of the ponies beside you megan are like there names they are just a bunch of meanies. *sundance starts to cry and runs out the door*. Sundance wait said Megan.

Well i must say this has been a wonderful stay so far sad megan who rolled her eyes. So all of you made fun of her and laughed at her i am ashamed at all of you i thought i knew you all better well i guess i don't said Megan. Megan stop said Baby Lickety split. Yes Baby Lickety Split what is it. You have the right to call us mean i realize that was a mean thing to do and we are all sorry for the things we did to Sundance and we were going to apologize to her but she ran out before we could have a chance to apologize to her. Is this true everyone. They all say yes. Oh my god we have to catch up to her and tell her were sorry said Baby Lickety Split. Your right baby lickety split lets go said Megan. If the ponies dont appreciate me and dont love me i guess i will just have to go on my own because i will not live somewhere where i get nothing but teased and made fun of because of my clumsiness said Sundance. Sundance SUNDANCE please stop we all want to talk to you said Windwhistler. OH NO there following me i cant let them catch me i dont want more teasing said Sundance who began to run alot faster. Sundance please slow down we won't make fun of you ever again WE REALLY DO LOVE YOU said Baby Lickety Split. Sundance who was running tripped over a rock and almost fell down but kept running but slowed down.

Sundance stopped and frowned at all the ponies. Sundance don't be sad we really do love you when we made fun of you it was in fun not to hurt you but it seems we did hurt your feelings we will make it up to you said Baby Lickety Split. Sundance smiled at everybody including baby lickety split. Sundance will you excuse me and the other baby ponies we have to go over to the dance school and go change into are outfits for tonights special performance. What performance baby lickety split said Sundance. The one we are going to do for a special party for you Sundance this is are way of saying we're sorry for what we have done to you. Sundance smiles and says Wow this will be great i can wait to see your performance baby ponies especially you baby lickety split. Awwwwwwwwwwww Sundance your embarrassing me says baby lickety split who is blushing. Sundance smiles at baby lickety split and says well you better get over to the school and put on your outfit for tonight i cant wait to see how you look in it to. Baby Lickety Split blushed majorly when she heard that. Sundance smiled at her. Baby Lickety Split walked over to the dance school while doing some minor dance steps with her front hooves. WOW baby lickety split sure is talented she can dance with her front hooves while walking thats cool. HEHE yeah my daughter sure is talented i bet she could teach you how to be as good as her sundance. Are you kidding me im so clumsy i'll never be as talented as your daughter is. Now don't say that Sundance your not as clumsy as you were in the 80's you are alot more like us now and my daughter is such a good dancer she taught every baby in the group how to be good dancers. Really said Sundancer. Yep my daughter taught all of the other babies how to be prima ballerinas like herself. Oh i can't wait said Sundance. My daughter is one of the dancers to said Sundance.

Hey wait a minute the baby ponies are dancers why cant we start are own dance squad just adults we could go before the babies do.Hey thats not a bad idea said Lickety Split. Yes lets ask your daughter if she will teach us to be as good as her said sundance. Sundance she is my daughter and she loves me she would do this for her mother.Baby Lickety Split i have to ask you something. Ok mommy what do you what said baby lickety split. Me and sundance were talking and we came up with a idea about a dance squad called the Pony dancers kinda like a adult version of you baby ponies anyway i was wondering if you would teach me and the other adults how to dance as good as you darling. Mommy i think that is a wonderful idea and i would be honored to teach you and the other adult girls how to dance i think ballet is a great thing to do and it should involve any pony of any age its not just for baby ponies. Oh thank you thank you daughter you'll never regret this. Your welcome mommy and i know sundance will do great to i'll get her to dance great and she will forget she was ever clumsy.

Sundance baby lickety split said she will teach all the adult girl ponies how to dance and i thanked her for doing this and she smiled and said your welcome i cant wait to get started on being great i cant wait to proform for the crowd i'll be more popular than i am now and im pretty popular right now said Lickety Split. Yes you are i just hope the crowd will like me when i do this. Are you kidding they will love you Sundance you'll see just believe said Lickety Split. Ok Lickety Split i will said Sundance who smiled at LS.

Sundance said Baby Lickety Split. Yes baby Lickety Split. The adult ponies are backstage at the dance studio and i want you to come down and start being taught to dance by me of course said baby lickety split who was smiling at sundance. By the way i have a Surprise for you in your locker in the locker room area. Oh i cant wait to see what is in my locker. Sundance went into the locker room area where the other ponies were getting changed into there new outfits. Sundance found the most beautiful outfit she ever saw it was a neon pink leotard with a yellow hologram in the front a matching pair of neon pink legwarmers a red rose and a very pretty white headband she put on her outfit and looked in the mirror and she thought is this me am i really this pretty pony in the mirror. Then she was greeted by the other ponies. Well Sundance how do you like your outfit said baby lickety split. I love it baby lickety split thank you. Awwwww your welcome. Hi everybody how do i look. You look great said the ponies. Sundance blushed and said awwwwwww thank you. Now come on ponies into the practice room so i can teach you a dance for tonight's performance dont worry about us baby ponies we have are dance memerized in are heads.

*bls taught the adult girls to dance and sundance to was great but she wasnt dancing tonight because tonight is a celebration for her but she would be dancing in time* Wow Sundance you danced great you didn't show one bit of clumsiness i think your clumsiness is fading fast. Awwwwwww bls thanks for doing this for now i get to dress in pretty clothes and be as good as you you know what i thank of you as my roll model. Awwwwww sundance thanks. *they hugged* Awwwwwww how adorable said the adults. *sundance and bls blushed and giggled* That celebration began with the ponies all over ponyland filling up the seats with the dream castle ponies in the front rows of seats the paradise estate ponies in the middle rows of seats and other ponies filling up the other seats. All of the sudden the crowd began to cheer very loud when baby lickety split came out of the curtain. colts and fillies stallions and mares i have wonderful news before we start the show for you let me just say this is Sundances night to today i had the opportunity to break her out of her clumsiness with what you might say with dance thats right i taught her how to dance. Everybody cheered sundance who blushed.

And now the baby pony dancers. Yay cheered the ponies. The baby pony dancers did great and got a standing ovation especially from Sundance they curtsed and went backstage the rest of the night all the ponies including the baby pony dancers had food and drinks it lasted until midnight. Bls: Oh one more thing there is a new group of dancers that will make there first appearance in the next celebration they will be called The Pony Dancers featuring my mother and the other adult mares. They cheered again and everybody had a wonderful time that night i guess you could say it was a night to remember.
