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Ethereal Productions Mission Statement

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Demonkill Synopsis

The goal of Ethereal Productions is to create characters the comic book buying public will care about. It is my opinion that the stories, spiritual battles and struggles of the unblack/death metal band "Demonkill" will entertain, inform, evangelize and exhort. This will be done in the context of the storylines, so the reader will not feel as though they are being "preached at".

The bottom line of this ministry is evangelism. That is, to express the two sides of God; the Blood of Christ, and the Wrath of God. In doing so, I will attempt to teach, through various means, that forgiveness through Jesus Christ can be attained, and consequently, how to obtain such a gift.

It is the opinion of Ethereal Productions that no one should be force-fed the whole Bible at one time, or they will "choke on it", so to speak. The reader must ,instead, be spoon-fed information, one spiritual truth at a time. The characters and stories will provide a clear picture of God's love and merciful kindness.

It is my desire to be a vessel of my Lord. It is not Ethereal Productions' goal to "reach the world for Jesus", but rather to do the will of the Father. In following His sovereign plan, God will, in turn, use me to illuminate the darkness with the light of Jesus' Love.

In Christ,

Rob Weddle